Gluten free salt and pepper crackers
by Elana Amsterdam | Salt and Pepper Crackers will satisfy your need for a healthy, crunchy snack.
Sia’s DIY brain retraining visualizations for MCS
Sia Alexander shares her custom brain retraining techniques for healing MCS.
My DIY brain retraining visualizations for MCS
by Sia Alexander | I saw myself being filled with Christ Light as the pure, clear elements of the Divine were breathed in through my nostrils and up my nasal passages, into the back of my throat, up to my brain and down throughout my entire body…

Yoga for chronic health conditions
PT columnist Candice interviews the chronically badass yogi Suzanne Stephens of Yoga Empowered. Suzanne was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis in 1993 at 27 years of age and transformed her life through yoga.

Linda Worthington’s MCS, EHS, CFS recovery story
A 70’s-something woman from Maryland makes sweeping lifestyle changes, practices medical qigong, and devotes herself to both the Gupta and Hopper brain retraining programs in order to recover her health.

You’re never too old! Healing MCS, EHS, and CFS in my 70’s
Linda Worthington shares her journey into MCS, EHS, CFS – and back – using the Gupta and Hopper brain retraining programs, as well as Medical Qigong and lifestyle improvements.
Neuropathy caused by tick-born infection
Dear Stephen, Can you advise something for neuropathy which is caused by lyme or some other tick-borne infection? Thank you so much.
Edema in legs
Dear Stephen, I have a lot of edema in my legs. Would stephania help?
Stephania and beta blockers
Dear Stephen, In Healing Lyme you state that stephania is not recommended for people on beta blockers. Why? What would happen then?