Part 2 of Peggy Munson’s critical review of the film Unrest by Jen Brea.
Peggy Munson
Jen Brea’s Unrest and the Troubled Language of Languor: Part 1
Part 1 of a critical review of the movie Unrest by author and ME patient/activist Peggy Munson.
The best offense is a good offense: what we need to learn from AIDS
by Peggy Munson | …ME/CFS patients have tended to get sucked into what domestic violence activists call the “cycle of violence,” believing the bullies’ lies that they will change…
We, Tuskegee?
Severe ME/CFS/MCS patient Peggy Munson was hospitalized, near death, after the Ice Storm of December 11, 2008 and ensuing 3-day power outage. She remembers today, one year later.
Fly Away to XAND-ado, or Where Is Elaine DeFreitas?
CFS/ME patient-activist Peggy Munson’s latest missive urges other CFS/ME patients to Tweet, post on Facebook and use other accessible forms of activism to keep the XMRV conversation going.
“First, Do No Pharma”
Peggy Munson, ME/CFS patient/activist, counters Mike Adams and other proponents of alternative medicine that have written off XMRV as Big Pharma conspiracy.
Peggy Munson: ME/CFS and the Retroviral Elephant
In the ME/CFS community, since yesterday, there has been a swell of jubilation. This may seem odd to a lot of people considering that researchers just found something in our blood similar to HIV.
Short List of Common Pesticides
1. Lindane | When someone found white dwarfs behind my ears | I was deloused with mustard gas | I had a daily headache that was like a single eye
Corkscrewed! Me and My Lyme
Just when I thought there were no other ways to be pathogenically screwed, I have been corkscrewed.
Nerve Gas in the Living Room
Imagine if a company offered to sell you nerve gas to spray in your living room, or if leftover Agent Orange, watered down, was slathered on the grounds where your children go to school.