Dear Stephen, I was recently diagnosed with Hemo-Bartonella or mycoplasma by Fry Labs. I also have Babesia duncani. What herbs should I add for the BLO and Babesia duncani?
Carditis and warm/cool herbs
Dear Stephen, I noticed that stephania, houttuynia, and artemesia are all “cool” or “cold” herbs in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) theory. Can you recommend good warming herbs to combine them with?
Clarifications on protocol
Dear Stephen, I have several questions on your protocol: Can the full dosages be maintained beyond 2 months and until the infections are completely eradicated?
Pregnancy and bartonella treatment
Dear Stephen, My wife is 7 months pregnant with our second child. Dietrich Klinghardt, MD diagnosed bartonella with his ART muscle tests and he wants her to take a “5-in-1” tincture of your core protocol herbs.
Spider veins and bartonella
Dear Stephen, In “The Lyme Disease Solution” spider veins are listed as a symptom of BLO (“bartonella-like organism”) and bartonella. I too have had spider veins and lots of the symptoms listed for BLOs.
Houttuynia for bartonella?
Dear Stephen, Do you have an opinion on the herb houttuynia, which is being used by Dr. Zhang for bartonella, and do you know of any American herbs with similar properties?
Dear Stephen, How can I increase my testosterone levels naturally? Also, why is my immune system not seeing the bartonella and babesia infections?
Herbal kidney cleanse
Dear Stephen, I would like to do Dr. Hulda Clark’s herbal kidney cleanse at the same time I am on the Bartonella herbs.
Dear Stephen, Are there any other herbs you know of that are particularly effective against bartonella?