Dear Stephen,
I am working with LLND who believes in treating co-infections first. So, I have been on your bartonella protocal for two weeks, and I do believe it is helping! I have another 4+ weeks on it. What I would like to do with this next 4 weeks while I am on the bartonella herbs, is also do Dr. Hulda Clark’s herbal kidney cleanse at the same time. It consists of the following: 1) a root decoction of hydrangea, gravel root, and marshmallow, mixed with black cherry concentrate; 2) a goldenrod tincture; 3) uva ursi and ginger root capsules; 4) magnesium and B6 supplements. One brews the tea and drinks throughout the day along with increasing water intake for 4 weeks. Ultimately, I want to also do the epsom salt/olive oil liver flush. I want my organs of elimination working really well. What do you think? I am a bit impatient, I really want to be well, soon, and to use my time to the greatest advantage. Thank you very much.

Stephen’s response:
These programs have produced some good results over the years and there is no reason not to use them as you have described.

This protocol was incredible. After only a few weeks most of my symptoms were gone. After six months all my symptoms were gone… it has given me my life back.

– Amazon review by Joseph

Please note:

Stephen Buhner is no longer living and this Q + A column on Planet Thrive is closed to new questions. It will be kept on our website so readers can access vital information in the archives, communicate with each other in the comments section, and find herbs, books + lyme adjuncts in our directory. If you want to read more of Stephen’s writings, please see his website at:

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