Electromagnetically sensitive man invites fellow EHS sufferers to form community on his family’s land in Australia.
Amazing Amelia Hill website now live
Amelia Hill has been confined to one room for the past five years. She has created a website to document her journey to health and help spread awareness of environmental illness.
The Dispossessed is now available as an e-book
Artist Rhonda Zwillinger’s seminal photo-documentary on life with chemical sensitivity is now available as an e-book.
How to grow a thriving herb garden
Fix.com just put together this extensive guide to growing a thriving indoor herb garden.
Zucchini noodles
by Elana Amsterdam | I’ve followed a strict grain-free diet since 2001. Still, I eat pasta every week. How’s that possible? Zucchini noodles, otherwise known as zoodles.
Pete’s Paleo: ready-to-eat gluten free meals
by Julie Genser | Pete’s Paleo meals are made with grass-fed and pastured animals, organic produce, and are gluten free, dairy free, soy free, and sweetener free.
Homesick: Movie Review
review of Susan Abod’s movie “Homesick – Living with Multiple Chemical Sensitivities” by disability activist Susan Molloy
Gluten-free, grain-free Passover seder
by Elana Amsterdam | A rundown of Elana’s favorite products that will make your grain-free Passover a breeze.
Sunbutter brownies
by Elana Amsterdam | These grain-free brownies are rich and moist and call for just a few ingredients.
Gluten free dairy free chai latte
by Elana Amsterdam | Gluten Free Dairy Free Chai Latte made with organic warming spices will heat you up on a chilly day.