Dear Stephen, Is it safe to take Artemisia absinthium and cryptolepsis together?
Lemon oil/limoncello
Dear Stephen, This weekend I had a taste of limoncello, the Italian liquer, and had a really strong herx afterwards. I understand that it’s made by steeping lemon rinds in alcohol, so it contains lemon oils.
Reacting to turmeric
Dear Stephen, I discovered that I become quite sick if I take turmeric. The response is not immediate, but more like 12-48 hours after taking the turmeric. I become very weak and sick and feel toxic all over.
Red root and nattokinase okay together?
Dear Stephen, My doctor says I have “thick” blood and should take nattokinase. Is there an overlap between the red root and nattokinase?
Herbs for Hepatitis B
Dear Stephen, What do you know about schisandra and it’s use for the liver? My son is a Hepatitis B carrier (from birth in Korea) and is now on your basic protocol for lyme.
Buhner’s favorite toxin binders and herx herbs
Dear Stephen, What is your favorite toxin binder or herx herb?
Resveratrol from red wine source okay?
Dear Stephen, I took resveratrol from a red wine source for a number of months and didn’t notice much. Is it that much different from knotweed?
Substitutes for resveratrol and cat’s claw
Dear Stephen, My chiropractor recently muscle tested my supplements. The resveratrol and cat’s claw tested negative. Should I substitute something else or try another brand?
Chronic lyme with persistent strep infection
Dear Stephen, I have chronic lyme disease but one of my most problematic co-infections is strep bacteria. My LLMD thinks that the strep is actually my biggest problem right now.
Why is astragalus contraindicated in chronic lyme?
Dear Stephen, I’d love to take astragalus for prevention, but you say not to take it if one has chronic lyme. Is this still true? And if so, why? What does it do that’s negative?