Dear Susun, I am new to menopause. Are digestive issues associated with this life change, and do you have suggestions from the Wise Woman tradition to deal with digestive issues naturally?

Dear Susun, I am new to menopause. Are digestive issues associated with this life change, and do you have suggestions from the Wise Woman tradition to deal with digestive issues naturally?
Dear Susun, What is the Wise Women Way approach to healing bladder infections? I hope you can help me – I’ve tried so many things and nothing has helped long-term.
The Wise Woman Tradition is the oldest known healing tradition on our planet. It offers a unique view of health that is woman-centered and deeply empowering to women.
Dear Susun, I think I am addicted to garlic. I eat at least 2-3 raw cloves a day…can you suggest some ways to incorporate garlic into my diet?
Severe ME/CFS/MCS patient Peggy Munson was hospitalized, near death, after the Ice Storm of December 11, 2008 and ensuing 3-day power outage. She remembers today, one year later.
CFS/ME patient-activist Peggy Munson’s latest missive urges other CFS/ME patients to Tweet, post on Facebook and use other accessible forms of activism to keep the XMRV conversation going.
Dear Susun, Is there an herbal approach to birth control? As far as natural birth control methods go, I’ve only heard of the rhythm method.
Peggy Munson, ME/CFS patient/activist, counters Mike Adams and other proponents of alternative medicine that have written off XMRV as Big Pharma conspiracy.
by Peggy Munson | Hi Friends & fellow revolutionaries, As some of you may know, the biggest news to hit the ME/CFS community — ever — just dropped a couple of days ago on October 9, 2009.
In the ME/CFS community, since yesterday, there has been a swell of jubilation. This may seem odd to a lot of people considering that researchers just found something in our blood similar to HIV.