Dear Stephen, I have a lot of edema in my legs. Would stephania help?
Confusion over various Sida species
Dear Stephen, Which Sida species exactly is helpful for coinfections? Correct foreign names and common names would be very helpful to find the proper herb on the Internet as so many sources differ in the names.
Noni good for babesia?
Dear Stephen, Is noni worth using against babesia? If so, what does it do?
Ear pain with autism lyme
Dear Stephen, My son is 21 years old, has autism, and was diagnosed last May with babesia and lyme disease. He has had chronic ear pain since he was around 2 years old.
Sida acuta side effects
Dear Stephen, Does Sida acuta have any side effects, such as loose bowels?
Indian herbs from remote villages
Dear Stephen, I found the following herbs used in remote villages of India that have antibacterial action. Would they be appropriate to use along with your herbs for treating lyme and co-infections?
Special considerations for thalassemia minor with lyme?
Dear Stephen, It recently dawned upon me that a blood condition called thalassemia minor that I’ve had my whole life might be a special hurdle in recovering from lyme. Your thoughts?
Grapefruit seed extract (GSE) – toxic or not?
Dear Stephen, Do we know for certain that grapefruit seed extract does not have systemic absorption, or is there just not enough research about that? Do you think that grapefruit seed extract really has toxic quarternary ammonium compounds?
Treating brucella
Dear Stephen, I have been treating lyme for two years now with some progress. Currently I am on the core protocol. My last blood test came back positive for brucella. Are there any herbs recomended for brucella?
Taking artemesia and cryptolepis at the same time
Dear Stephen, I am being treated for babesia with larium and septra. Can artemesia and cryptolepis be taken along with these medications, and can they both be taken at the same time?