Thank you so much for all you’ve done for those of us struggling with lyme. Your book enlightened me about the disease, and your guidance on your websites is deeply appreciated. I’ve been following your protocol for lyme for about 4 months now. Overall I feel the results are positive, but I am still having peaks and valleys. On good days I can hardly relate to ever being sick, and on bad days I almost want to die. Perhaps that is to be expected, but it recently dawned upon me that I have a blood condition called thalassemia minor. I’ve known this my whole life, but it was never an issue for me. I wonder if it might be a special hurdle in recovering from lyme though…Any thoughts on this? Thank you!
It can have a minor impact, depending on its severity. It can cause low energy due to the low numbers of red blood cells. Sida acuta can increase those, even in this condition and it will help. In general when treating lyme or any long term chronic condition, it takes awhile. In treating my own chronic fatigue it took two months to get out of bed, 6 months to stay out for a full day, a year to appear normal, and two years before I felt like I had any extra energy.