Dear Stephen, So far I am not seeing any improvement on your protocol. Would you say it sounds unlikely that I have lyme disease after 4 months?
is protocol working?
Too late to treat lyme?
Dear Stephen, If I’ve had lyme my whole life and only started treating it at age 50, is it too late for me?
Timetable for results
Dear Stephen, The protocol calls for eight to twelve months, but when should I start potentially feeling the results (assuming I have lyme)? I’m not worried, I just want to be prepared.
Healing lyme?
Dear Stephen, Can you HEAL lyme with your protocol or does it just suppress symptoms? I have read of people becoming symptomatic again after stopping your protocol.
When to see improvement?
Dear Stephen, I don’t know for sure if I have lyme disease. I started your full protocol 10 weeks ago, but am not feeling any different. If I do have lyme disease, should I be seeing some improvement by now?
Wasting time and resources?
Dear Stephen, I started your herbal program at least a year ago and have only ramped up to 4 sarsaparilla 3x day and 2 resveratrol 3x day. Have I been wasting my time by not including the other herbs?
Staying on your protocol
Dear Stephen, I am usually pretty good at staying on the regimen but once every month or two I take a break for a couple of days. I have had a few bad relapses due to this, and am concerned that the herbs only work while they are being taken.
How effective is your protocol?
Dear Stephen, Your book is extremely informative but one piece of information I can’t find…is how effective it is.