I am embarrassed to say that I started your herbal program at least a year ago and have only ramped up to 4 sarsaparilla 3x day and 2 resveratrol 3x day. Have I been wasting my time by not including the other herbs? Are these two herbs alone at all effective? I know that they are doing something because when I stop/scale down, I feel the effects. But I am worried that I wasted a year by not including andro and cat’s claw. I did try both of those but had reactions so I stopped. The andro was really hard on my already terrible digestion…thanks.
No, you’re not wasting time. I think, however, that in general the sarsaparilla is the weakest of the herbs in the regimen. I think that Japanese knotweed (resveratrol) is probably the most important herb, then cat’s claw, then eleutherococcus, then andrographis. The andrographis is intense, I admit. I would focus on increasing the knotweed and seeing if you can tolerate the eleutherococcus.