After the onset of debilitating illness, a bout of homelessness, and the suicide of a loved one, a 30-year-old lyme patient raises funds for her own health care treatment.

After the onset of debilitating illness, a bout of homelessness, and the suicide of a loved one, a 30-year-old lyme patient raises funds for her own health care treatment.
There are plenty of opportunities for chem-free freebies on Facebook, Twitter, blogs and other online venues.
Registration for Marie Forleo’s legendary Rich, Happy and Hot B-School 2013 opens today!
A private, anonymous donor is awarding $100 cash grants to people who are homeless due to chemical and//or electromagnetic sensitivity. Applications are due by March 25, 2013.
Want to work from home on your laptop, decide your own hours, and bring your change-the-world business idea to life? Then Marie Forleo’s B-School might be just the thing for you. Enrollment closes tomorrow, Friday, May 25 at 3pm EST. Sign up now!
A proposal for a 21st century hunter-gatherer economic model for the chronically ill, incorporating ideas from traditional micro-businesses and small women’s cooperatives, the local currency movement, transition towns and other creative ideas.