Dear Stephen, What do you recommend doing if someone were to have a slight hernia? I want to repair it naturally and avoid a surgical procedure.
Hair loss
Dear Stephen, One of my remaining symptoms is hair loss. With the assumption that it’s an auto-immune reaction and my body is attacking the hair follicles, will Japanese knotweed help slow down this rapid hair loss?
Root canal and lyme
Dear Stephen, I had a root canal several years ago. I’m worried the lyme spirochetes will hide inside the dental cavitations and come back to haunt me. Can the spirochetes hide there?
Waking in middle of night with anxiety and pounding heart
Dear Stephen, I’ve been taking cat’s claw, eleuthero and resveratrol. I’ve been waking up frequently during the night and around 4 am wake with pounding heart and anxiety which has nothing to do with my emotions.
Eleuthero for sluggish thyroid and high cortisol levels?
Dear Stephen, I’d really like help in identifying a good herb to help with my sluggish thyroid.
Antibiotics and hearing loss
Dear Stephen, I have some mild hearing loss from lyme antibiotics and would like to start your protocol, but first want to know if any of the herbs could damage my hearing further.
Jernigan’s Neuro Anti-Tox II formulas
Dear Stephen, Wondering what you think about Jernigan’s Neuro Anti-Tox II formulas – supposedly they help to mop up excess ammonia in the brain produced by lyme bacteria.
Vision issues – lyme or age related?
Dear Stephen, My vision seems to be changing. I’m having trouble focusing. My main issue is depth perception. How can I determine if this is age related or lyme related?
Red root and nattokinase okay together?
Dear Stephen, My doctor says I have “thick” blood and should take nattokinase. Is there an overlap between the red root and nattokinase?
Herbs for Hepatitis B
Dear Stephen, What do you know about schisandra and it’s use for the liver? My son is a Hepatitis B carrier (from birth in Korea) and is now on your basic protocol for lyme.