Dear Stephen, I just started resveratrol (half a pill of the one you recommend in the book) and am having TMJ swelling feelings. Do you see an intensified symptom picture with resveratrol?
Astragalus okay after recovered from late stage lyme?
Dear Stephen, You advise against astragalus for late-stage infection and up to now I have not taken it. At what point after treatment for late-stage lyme disease is it okay to take astragalus?

Chicken salad bruschetta
This is one of my favorite quick meals to eat when I’m in the mood for toast but want a meal with substance.
Wheat germ
Dear Stephen, I have lyme and also mycoplasma and have recently started with your core protocol and am working my way up. Can I add wheat germ to the protocol?

Ethiopian spiced ghee (niter kibbeh)
This ghee is GOOD. Like, makes your brain explode good. Smear it off the plate good. Eat a little bit by itself from the jar good. Better than sex if you aren’t currently having it good.
Diarrhea from protocol
Dear Stephen, My husband has been using your protocol for about 6 weeks and is now on the full dose regimen. He has had pretty bad diarrhea the entire time. Do you have any suggestions?
Astragalus ingredient okay for long-term lyme?
Dear Stephen, I have had lyme for 8 years and was recently given an herbal treatment containing astragalus. I have read in your book that this is a contraindication in late stage lyme.

Lyme disease: A history of chasing bugs
by David Jernigan, D.C., D.N.M. | Bugs, bugs, bugs, and more bugs! What is next and when are we going to learn that killing bugs most often does not lead to a restoration of health?

Green chili turkey burgers
The perfect quick Fall meal to help usher in the cooler weather.
CFS/FMS with lyme
Dear Stephen, I have chronic fatigue syndrome and fibromyalgia. My lyme test was negative but I have enough symptoms along with high virus counts, etc. that your lyme herbs seemed worth a try.