Dear Susun, I have acne that takes forever to clear up and rosacea. I have heard that evening primrose oil and chaste berry are good. Could you help?
Flagyl and taking herbs
Dear Stephen, I will be doing IV Flagyl one week per month and I am very concerned about how hard Flagyl hits people – how sick some people get. What can I take to moderate side effects?
Lyme contracted in exotic places
Dear Stephen, If I contracted erlichia in Borneo, can I be helped as much by your core protocol and the doxycycline as if I had the North American strain or is this going to require a different protocol?
Lobelia and lyme
Dear Stephen, I thought I would ask about the lobelias because two have shown up in my small yard and garden. Are either Lobelia inflata or Lobelia siphilitica recommended for any aspect of Lyme disease?
The buzz about biofilm
Dear Stephen, Do you feel that lyme bacterium and other pathogens are protected by biofilm layers and that must be treated simultaneously with herbs and/or antibiotics?

Adapting recipes / dehydrating nuts
Dear Sally, I would like to be able to adapt recipes that I have been using to make them more digestible and nutritious. Are there any general guidelines you can provide?
Dear Stephen, One of my many symptoms has been spontaneous “blood blisters” in my mouth on the mucosal cheek area as well as bruising otherwise.
Andrographis and elevated liver enzymes
Dear Stephen, My daughter is on the Cowden protocol and has had slightly raised liver enzymes. She recently added andrographis and her liver enzymes are now even higher.
Ramp up time related to time on full protocol
Dear Stephen, If it takes many months to “ramp up” to the full doses of the core protocol, do you still have to stay a month on the 4-4-4 dose?
Loss of taste with protocol
Dear Stephen, After three weeks of taking the increasing dose of the core protocol, the collagen support, and arthritis protocols I have experienced a very marked decrease in taste.