by Sweigh Emily Spilkin | You’ve got to give the inner critic props for its tenacity. You know what I’m talking about, that voice inside that, even when we are flat on our backs with suffering, chimes in with: “Is that all you got?”
Changing Cellular Behavior With Quantum Techniques
by Connie Strasheim | Have you ever noticed how many folks have been brainwashed into believing that health is achieved solely through the killing of some bugs with a biochemical agent?
Meaning as Medicine in Chronic Illness
by Sweigh Emily Spilkin | When we develop a chronic illness, our basic way of understanding the world dissolves. At least that how it feels. At least that’s how it felt in my case.
Live Your Life As If It Really Matters
by Derrick Jensen | I was asked to give a talk to the students at a boys boarding school, grades eight to twelve. I was scared, far moreso than at prison.
Pay Less For Gas
by Debra Lynn Dadd | Now that gasoline prices are higher than ever, here are ten simple tips for conserving gasoline and getting the most out of every gallon. You’ll save money, save energy, and reduce air pollution as well.
They Will Never, Ever Understand Lyme Disease
by Connie Strasheim | They won’t understand. No matter how hard you try to explain the suffering that Lyme disease causes you and how much they attempt to empathize with your pain. Unless they have Lyme disease, too, they won’t get it.
How Toxic Is Your Home?
by Debra Lynn Dadd | We like to think of our homes as being a safe place to be. Yet some of the exposures that you have day-to-day that are most hazardous to your health and the health of your family happen right at home.
A Language Older Than Words
by Derrick Jensen | There is a language older by far and deeper than words. It is the language of bodies, of body on body, wind on snow, rain on trees, wave on stone.
Reducing Electromagnetic Frequency Exposure May Improve Your Health
by Julie Genser | In September 2007, the EU’s European Environment Agency (EEA) and the country of Germany both issued warnings to their citizens advising them to avoid the use of WiFi and cell phones until further long term studies are conducted.
How to Be Politically Active When You’re Disabled, Poor and Pissed Off
For those of us challenged with chemical injury, it’s become painfully clear: our water, ground, and air space have been completely polluted by a mix of ignorance, greed and lack of foresight.