Ani Phyo is the host of the award winning most popular uncooking show on YouTube, Ani’s Raw Food Kitchen Show, where she inspires global audiences with her fast, easy, delicious, healthy recipes and eco green lifestyle.
thrive! Cinema
Finally, the convenience of a movie rental without the exposure to stinky DVDs! No treacherous theater experience—avoid exposure to fragranced moviegoers, toxic pesticides, and strong cleaning agents. Now you can prepare your favorite snack, snuggle up with a loved one, and watch your movie in bed.
What’s helping you rise?
I just discovered a wonderful website for a wonderful reading/study group: They are a unique health book club for people suffering from chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), fibromyalgia (FMS), multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS), and related conditions.
There Comes A Time
I have never been very good at surrendering. I have been the fighter—the hold on to the side of the cliff, fight for your life, never give up and never go down with the ship kind of soul. It was exhausting work.
Recommit. Again and again and again.
I practice recommitment on a monthly, weekly, daily—even moment-to-moment—basis. I also practice forgiveness. I forgive myself for not following through on previous commitments, goals, and self-promises. I let go of recriminations, self-flagellations, self-denigrations and I move on.
How Lyme Disease Saved My Life
When Lyme disease saved me, I had no clue that anything was really wrong with me, except there were some weird things that kept happening. For one thing, as I told an allergist, my sinuses, in waves, felt funny, and for the last several seasons, I’d gotten morning headaches
Tick menagerie: Lyme isn’t the only disease you can get from a tick
From the time National Institutes of Health medical entomologist Willy Burgdorfer first sliced open deer ticks from Shelter Island (off of Long Island) and studied them under the microscope in his Montana lab, he observed a glut of microbes.
She Speaks in Metaphors (I Understand)
My doctor (one of them) says my entire left side is jammed. It’s like shrink-wrapped plastic wrap, tight and brittle but it should be like one large, flowing, unified teardrop. It should have coherence and flexibility and it should breathe.
Living a holistic life
A holistic lifestyle is more than just eating organic foods and practicing yoga from time to time. It means paying attention to all aspects of your life: relationships, career, health and spirituality to be sure that you are living a life in balance. This might mean making some adjustments.
Personal | Political
Some of you may be wondering: what’s with the thrive! journal header imagery? It has a very hippie-esque back-to-the land aesthetic to it. Why did you choose to use this visual to represent your website? The brutal truth is this: it was not so much a choice,