Dear Stephen, What is your take on using mushroom complex as an immune modulator
in lyme?
Autoimmune Disease
Immune modulation
Dear Stephen, In the description of your herbs, when it says “immune modulation,” what does that mean – “stimulating” or “regulating”?
Ocular myasthenia gravis and alopecia areata
Dear Stephen, I have been diagnosed with multiple autoimmune diseases (ocular myasthenia gravis and alopecia areata), among other things. Can you recommend an herbal approach right for my particular autoimmune conditions?
Hair loss
Dear Stephen, One of my remaining symptoms is hair loss. With the assumption that it’s an auto-immune reaction and my body is attacking the hair follicles, will Japanese knotweed help slow down this rapid hair loss?
Why is astragalus contraindicated in chronic lyme?
Dear Stephen, I’d love to take astragalus for prevention, but you say not to take it if one has chronic lyme. Is this still true? And if so, why? What does it do that’s negative?
Autoimmune disease with lyme
Dear Stephen, If I were to do your core lyme protocol—and I don’t have an active lyme infection, just autoimmune disease (whatever that really means)—could any of the herbs be harmful?
Treating viruses with lyme
Dear Stephen, After a year of lyme treatment, I recently tested positive for several viruses including EBV, HHV6 and varicella. Are there any herbs that can lower my viral load and help keep these viruses at bay?
Weakening immunity with antibiotics
Dear Stephen, Do you find it effective for people to pulse herbs/antibiotics if they’re not able to wean off of antibiotics?
Andrographis and multiple sclerosis
Dear Stephen, The Natural Medicines Comprehensive Database states andrographis (and cat’s claw) should not be taken if you have an autoimmune disease, such as MS. Can you please comment on this.

Neural Therapy
A brain healing technique developed in Germany which involves the injection of local anesthetics into various points on the body to restore electrochemical function of tissues.