Alternatives to Dentists DVD by Doug Simons

Alternatives to Dentists DVD by Doug Simons

With Doug Simons’ extensive knowledge, understanding and experience in the wilderness, Alternatives to Dentists outlines how to care, clean and support your teeth. In addition, your enamel, overall mouth care and infections. In this video, Doug will teach you the herbs and simple techniques that are all natural, easy, and highly effective:

  • How to truly clean your teeth
  • How to make your own tooth powder
  • How to prevent and heal cavities
  • How to treat abscessed teeth
  • How to reverse gum disease
  • Information on root canals
  • Fluoride, is it good or bad?

This DVD tutorial is to show you how you can take care of your teeth simply, naturally, and effectively. This DVD is based on the wisdom of herbalist and healer Doug Simons.

Doug developed the techniques while living primitively for the last several decades in the Gila Wilderness and other parts of the desert South West.

Don’t miss out on this valuable information for only $30.00

For ordering information for this dvd and other herbal remedies, including tooth powder, contact Doug at [email protected].

Alternatives to Dentists DVD by Doug Simons 5 years ago
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