Low Blue Lights

Low Blue Lights
Low Blue Lights
Low Blue Lights
Low Blue Lights
Low Blue Lights
Low Blue Lights
(216) 371-3033(216) 371-3033

Since 2005, LBL has marketed the original, 100% blue-free Sleep Glasses™, lighting products and screen filters that eliminate detrimental nighttime blue light ultimately improving sleep and overall health.

Your body produces the important hormone melatonin, also known as the sleep hormone, in the absence of blue light. A vast amount of research has shown that increasing your body’s melatonin level dramatically improves your sleep.

Melatonin is produced by a small gland in the brain called the pineal gland only while in darkness. Exposing your eyes to common light sources in the evening shuts down your melatonin production. Specifically it’s the blue rays in ordinary light that’s the problem. Only the blue component shuts down melatonin production. LowBlueLights eyewear, lighting products and filters eliminate the blue region of light spectrum.

Using our products two to three hours before retiring allows melatonin to be produced well before bedtime. While using these unique products blue colors will appear black or grey and the remaining colors appear unchanged allowing normal nighttime activities such as reading, watching television, computer use, gaming and so on.

From sunset to sunrise, LowBlueLights.com has your nighttime blues covered.

Low Blue Lights 5 years ago
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Low Blue Lights 5 years ago
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Low Blue Lights 5 years ago
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Low Blue Lights 5 years ago
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Low Blue Lights 5 years ago
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