Primal Pastures

Primal Pastures
Primal Pastures
Primal Pastures
Primal Pastures
Primal Pastures
Primal Pastures

Do you know where your food comes from? Do you know what it’s fed, injected with, or what quality of life it experiences? Primal Pastures thinks you should. Thei goal is to produce food that they feel good about feeding to themselves, their children, and their grandchildren – food that is grown responsibly, sustainably, and according to nature’s brilliant design. They believe that there is a better way – a higher calling– that we truly are or will become what we eat.

Primal Pastures is the outgrowth of:
1. A belief that we are experiencing a major food crisis;
2. A sound idea of how to fix it;
3. A vision of raising the best meat in the world produced in Southern California.

In 2012, they launched a humble little farm operation in Temecula, California. They did this with a dream of producing premium grade, healthy and happy pastured poultry, grass-fed beef, grass-fed lamb, pastured pork, pastured turkey, and pastured duck raised locally, sustainably, and responsibly by healthy farmers for healthy families. Starting on one acre of pastureland, they began to raise 54 free range chickens on pasture and called them “primal chickens”. They accrued a wait list of more than 100 families before the first batch of birds was even ready. Although their farm has grown significantly since then, they are still working to keep up with the massive demand for local, high quality meats.

Why their meat is different

To sum it all up, they respect nature. A lot. Actually, they are quick to acknowledge that nature is smarter than we are!  It’s also smarter than science. Everything that they do is aimed at creating a natural habitat for their animals to thrive in.

For their pasture raised chickens, this means a free range experience from day one where they are raised outside, on grass, soaking up the Vitamin D and scratching at the ground for bugs and worms. The supplemental feed that they provide is organic and free of GMO’s or soy. It also contains items found in a chicken’s natural diet. Their birds are given the ability to roam around and do things chickens are meant to do on a spacious grassy area that is rotated daily to allow the grass time to recover and give the birds fresh forage to munch on.  Read more about their pasture raised chickens here.

Their sheep are pasture raised and free range, receiving no grain throughout their entire lives. They are treated humanely and forage on pasture every day of their lives. They live in a low stress environment and are rotated to fresh pastures to simulate the mob grazing effect found in nature.  Read more about their grass fed sheep here.

Since day one, They have spared no expense and their commitment to quality and integrity is unfaltering. No matter how much Primal Pastures grows, at the end of the day they are feeding this food to their children and grandchildren, and you can rest assured that their animals are living the life that they were designed for.

Home delivery available to CA, AZ, TX, NM, NV, UT, CO, WY, ID, WA, OR, MT.

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Primal Pastures 5 years ago
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Primal Pastures 5 years ago
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Primal Pastures 5 years ago
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Primal Pastures 5 years ago
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Primal Pastures 5 years ago
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