Starkey Spring Water

Starkey Spring Water

Starkey Spring Water rises from an ancient, single-source geothermal spring in the foothills of the Idaho mountains. The water emerges from two miles deep where it’s been pure filtered for more than 11,000 years. Gushing forth from the earth at an impressive 132 degrees, their water is minimally processed, only passing through ultra violet light to keep it clean and pure. Lightly mineralized and silky smooth, Starkey quenches and rehydrates with a gently alkaline pH of 9.6 and 125 ppm D2O. Normal water has about 150 ppm of deuterium. Starkey Spring Water is vibrant and clear, and renews and recharges. Just take a sip and you’ll see.

Available in both glass bottles and BPA-free PET plastic at most Whole Foods Market stores nationwide.

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Starkey Spring Water 5 years ago
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