
#RippedAt50 book
#RippedAt50 book
Troy Casey - #RippedAt50
Tai Chi
4.00 (1 review)

How to stay healthy in a toxic world – no matter what age you are!

Troy Casey was a heroin/cocaine/alcohol addicted Versace model working in Italy. His life spiraled out of control, and led him on a healing journey. On the way he had a toxic black mold exposure. Through lifestyle practices, diet and mindset, he was able to heal himself completely and create the life of his dreams! In his own words:

Being told I was fat taught me about proper nutrition:

• It taught me how to cleanse the body to look trimmer and younger than I had in years,
• It led me to amass a list of herbs and supplements that helped me stay trim, and provided the vitamins, minerals, and nutrients my body needed.
• It taught me how to eat basically anything I want while keeping the fat off

My dance with alcoholism taught me how to silence the voices of my mind:

• It showed me how to break the chains of addiction
• It showed me how to bask and relax in the beauty of the present moment
• It helped me dissolve illusions and see life for what it really is

My toxic mold exposure taught me how to heal and vitalize my body through movement:

• I learned to let go of anger and keep my body relaxed
• I learned to work mycotoxins out of my body
• I learned to create a healthy body, ripped body without lifting weights

My divorce with my wife taught me how to inject my body with a heavy shot of energy in less than a minute:

• It led me to breathing exercises that regulate my sleeping patterns, and allowed me to get a good night’s rest even after breathing in toxic mold
• It showed me how 90% of people are breathing improperly, and how I can repair my breathing to live with superior health

In short … These experiences taught me how to be healthy in an unhealthy world.

I Want To Show You How to Get Ripped, Lean, Healthy, and Happy in the Most
Unhealthy Environment Ever Inhabited By Man

The book teaches you how to hoist your health onto 9 foundational pillars that are unfailing, everlasting, and indisputable. RIPPED at 50 teaches you the importance of these pillars by sharing my own foils and toils with health through having children, going through divorce, black mold exposure, my modeling career, and more.

Fascinating account of one man's total transformation

I loved this book! The writing felt choppy to me at times, I already knew most of the health information shared, but I found the personal journey of Troy Casey (who lives in my town now!) to be absolutely fascinating. He was able to grow and evolve from all of his traumatic life experiences and allowed them to lead him to extremely health-supportive practices and create an amazingly healthy lifestyle + career where he gets to help millions of others transform their bodies, minds, and lives, too! This is a book about taking full responsibility for oneself and will undoubtedly serve as inspiration and a model for anyone who reads it.

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#RippedAt50 book 4 years ago
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Troy Casey - #RippedAt50 4 years ago
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Tai Chi 4 years ago
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