To the Girls Down the Hall:  Ave et Avete

Toxic Terror

When you walk into my house, chemicals waft from your clothes. I know right away that the laundry detergent you use is toxic (most are) and that if I am around you for long I will get a headache. Should I tell you?

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What’s helping you rise?

What’s helping you rise?

I just discovered a wonderful website for a wonderful reading/study group: They are a unique health book club for people suffering from chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), fibromyalgia (FMS), multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS), and related conditions.

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Surviving the Dreaded H1N1 Swine Flu

There Comes A Time

I have never been very good at surrendering. I have been the fighter—the hold on to the side of the cliff, fight for your life, never give up and never go down with the ship kind of soul. It was exhausting work.

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Recommit. Again and again and again.

Recommit. Again and again and again.

I practice recommitment on a monthly, weekly, daily—even moment-to-moment—basis. I also practice forgiveness. I forgive myself for not following through on previous commitments, goals, and self-promises. I let go of recriminations, self-flagellations, self-denigrations and I move on.

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empowering the environmental illness community