Raw coconut cacao bites

Raw coconut cacao bites

by Kim Christensen | Inspired by my love for Coconut Cream Concentrate, I made a recipe for you. It is kind of like fudge, kind of like candy, and totally delicious.

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Chocolate peanut butter fudge

Chocolate peanut butter fudge

by Elana Amsterdam | I love fudge, I do. The only trouble with it is that most fudge is so sweet I usually feel sick to my stomach after eating it. Now you can have your fudge and eat it too!

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Hardened criminals

Hardened criminals

People being arrested for selling raw milk is no laughing matter: It’s yet another example of the tyrannical actions of health authorities who want to sterilize your food through pasteurization, fumigation or irradiation.

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Spicy mustard greens

Spicy mustard greens

by Kim Christensen | When I don’t want to think about what I’m making for dinner, I default to a making greens with onions, garlic, and spices. Easy greens recipes like this are a staple in my kitchen.

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