Starting on 23rd March at 8 am (AEDT), the 2015 Environmental Sensitivities Symposium will run for 8 consecutive days. (convert your times here – AEDT = Australia/Melbourne – if you live in Eastern U.S., that would be 5 pm Sunday March 22, 2015 )
This is an online event however those with EHS can participate off-line.
There are four different cost tiers that you can choose from, including FREE (get details here). All proceeds go to charities, including re|shelter.
In total there will be 24 presentations on various subjects:
Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity (EHS)
Cyril Smith (UK)
Lyn McLean (AU)
Dave Stetzer (US)
Michael Bevington (UK)
Food Intolerances
Dr Deanna Minich (US)
Dr Ellen Cutler (US)
Multiple Chemical Sensitivities (MCS)
Dr Braham Rabinov (AU)
Leah Hechtman (AU)
Dr Sharyn Martin (AU)
Environmental Toxins
Jo Immig (AU)
Bruce Lourie (Canada)
Lyme Disease and Biotoxin-Related Illnesses
Dr Tania Ash (AU)
John Coleman (AU)
New Perspectives
Professor Martin Pall (US)
Dr Christabelle Yeoh (AU)
Lucinda Curran (AU)
Professor Olle Johansson (Sweden)
Ashok Gupta (UK)
Lucinda Curran (AU)
Uma Girish (US)
Karen Palmer (US)
Dr Carlo Rinaudo (AU)
Dr Leesa Payne (AU)
Learning Disorders
Nicole Bijlsma (AU)
read more about each of the speakers
To register, go to this page and choose the plan you want to register for.
Earthwalker is the username that PT founder Julie Genser created for her online interactions so many years ago when first creating Planet Thrive.
Julie's (Earthwalker's) life was derailed over twenty years ago when she had a very large organic mercury exposure after she naively used a mouth thermometer to measure the temperature of just-boiled milk while making her very first pizza at home. The mercury instantly expanded into a gas form and exploded out the back of the thermometer right into her face. Unaware that mercury was the third most neurotoxic element on Earth, Julie had no idea she had just received a very high dose of a poisonous substance.
A series of subsequent toxic exposures over the next few years -- to smoke from two fires (including 9/11), toxic mold, lyme disease, and chemical injuries -- caused catastrophic damage to her health. While figuring out how to survive day-to-day, and often minute-to-minute, she created Planet Thrive to help others avoid some of the misdiagnoses and struggles she had experienced.
She has clawed her way over many health mountains to get to where she is today. She is excited to bring the latest iteration of Planet Thrive to the chronic illness community.
In 2019, Julie published her very first cookbook e-book called Low Lectin Lunches (+ Dinners, Too!) after discovering how a low lectin, gluten free diet was helping manage her chronic fascia/muscle pain.
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For those having problems accessing the symposium, I emailed Lucinda and she said there are some technical problems with the software she is using. She has not received your emails. Please write to her at [email protected] if you are having issues registering for the symposium. Best, Julie
Hi folks,
I am just following up on Julie’s email.
There have been a ridiculous amount of technical problems within the site… so much so that I have come up with a conspiracy theory (that I trust is fallacy) – that someone doesn’t want me getting the information out there. ;-)
I have been working around the clock to get things right – and they seem to be working now.
I have responded to every email that I have received – so if you didn’t hear from me it means I didn’t get it. So, please write again.
Julie also let me know that some of you had issues logging in/signing up.
I found that there were a stack of “inactive” members – which would mean that you weren’t able to log in. I believe that I have fixed this now.
If you are still having issues, please let me know.
Bear in mind, I am doing this single-handed so I may not answer immediately, but between 7.30am-7.30pm (AU time) I am at my computer and responding to people as quickly as I can. I usually get a response out within hours, and certainly within 24 hours.
I am doing everything I can to make this work.
Sorry for the hassles and inconveniences.