My Healing Journey From MCS Back To Health

by | Mar 10, 2015 | Articles, Susan Newborn | 2 comments

by Susan Newborn
republished from Gupta Coach Frances Goodall‘s newsletter with permission

Flying on a plane again!Seven years ago, I became completely disabled with MCS. Three years ago I began Amygdala Retraining with the Gupta Programme and am now well again. When I was ill, I couldn’t tolerate anything, inside and outside of my home everything made me react. I ate very little, lost lots of weight, was extremely fatigued, etc. Of course I had to stop working.

An integrative medical team headed by Ali Safayan, MD, at Restorative Health, here in Washington, DC, USA, where I live, helped me begin to heal and get stronger. Dr. Safayan used NAET and helped me explore various ways to manage and heal. Also on the team is Dr. Karen Threlkyl, a naturopathic physician, who provided nutritional counseling as I reintroduced foods, and also treated me with Far Infrared Sauna Therapy. They kept me going and gave me hope and encouragement and are still my doctors.

Finally I began Ashok’s program and gradually regained my health. I also worked with Gupta Coach Frances Goodall by phone from the UK which was invaluable, especially learning and using EFT (a tapping modality). Another person who helped is Els Valkenburg, who was completely healed from MCS using the Gupta Programme. After reading about Els and visiting her website, I “met” her via the internet and she provided lots of support and encouragement.

I now live a full and active life again. During 2014 I even took two airplane trips, one of which allowed me to attend my father’s 90th birthday party. I am also refurnishing my home. I was redecorating when I became ill and lived with no living room or dining room furniture for several years until my recovery. And in June of last year I reopened my psychotherapy practice and am incredibly happy to be back at work.

I am so grateful to Ashok, Frances, Els and my physicians at home for helping me get my life back!

If you will be in the Washington, D.C. area this month, you can meet Susan in person at her FREE EVENT:

Amygdala Retraining: The Gupta Programme
Tuesday, March 24 at 7 – 8pm EST
Restorative Health
4801 Wisconsin Avenue
NW, Washington, D.C.

Do you or someone you care about have Chronic Fatigue, Fibromyalgia or Multiple Chemical Sensitivities? Susan Newborn, Integrative Psychotherapist, will discuss this powerful new treatment that has helped many people regain their health and return to a full life.

Email [email protected] to register

photo © Studio023 | Dreamstime.comView From The Airplane Window Photo

Susan NewbornSusan is an Integrative Psychotherapist, EFT Practitioner, and Gupta Programme Coach. If you would like to inquire about her services, you can email: [email protected]. She can also be found on the web at


  1. Louise

    Hello Susan,

    I have just started DNRS by Annie Hopper, and wondered if there was a difference between DNRS and the Gupta program. They appear to be similar.
    I see that both of them are advertised on your website.
    Would you explain the difference? Did you use both techniques?
    Thank you.


  2. Julie

    Hi Louise,
    This is actually my website, not Susan’s. We just shared her story here to inspire readers like you! There are differences between the DNRS and the Gupta programs. We discuss this more in depth on the Planet Thrive forum. Please join us there to read all of the discussions to help you decide which program to do: and here is a good discussion to start with: Gupta or DNR? Has anyone tried both? Best, Julie (‘earthwalker’ on the Planet Thrive forum)

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