June’s product focus is my cookbook Low Lectin Lunches (+ Dinners, Too!), a collection of 11 anti-inflammatory, low lectin meal ideas for those who want to live a vibrant, pain-free life. The downloadable eBook is 60 pages and contains 32 individual recipes (each meal has multiple components). There are full color photos for each meal. When I wrote this cookbook a few years ago, I took some time to fine-tune the recipes, taste test, and photograph the meals. I made a lot of food and enjoyed eating all the left-overs during those 2 weeks. In that time, I realized that my chronic pain levels had almost vanished. I knew lowering my lectin intake would be healthy, but I hadn’t realized what an important tool it would be in managing the fascia pain in my torso that had plagued me for years. I had already been eating a restriction diet free of grains, gluten, most dairy, legumes, nightshades and processed soy for many years but it was the reduction of lectins that led to this significant improvement in my chronic fascia pain.

You may be wondering: what are lectins and why should we eat a low lectin diet? Lectins are very small protein molecules with a sugar molecule attached (that acts as an antigen) found in many plants as a natural means of defense against plant predators. When we eat them, or animals that have eaten them, these glycoproteins attach to the intestinal lining, and to other places in our bodies. They interfere with bodily processes and create holes between the cells, eventually leading to Leaky Gut Syndrome. When lectin molecules get through the leaky gut, the body will identify them as foreign and mount a protective immune response. This is how some autoimmune conditions may begin. Reducing dietary lectins will lower inflammation and allow your intestinal lining to heal.
In this ebook, you’ll find delicious meal ideas and colorful photos, along with detailed recipes, so you can recreate the meals at home.The ebook can be purchased at: MySacredTable.com.
How can I receive the Ebook? I’m so sorry she has had to overcome so many health issues. I have autoimmune disease and search for best meals for eat. Thank you.