Dear Stephen,
Can you tell me what dosage of serrapeptase I need to take while on your plan? Nutramedix has 500 mg in each pill and Sedona Labs makes Serraphase with 10 mg per pill. It states on the label that it is a potent systemic enzyme and to only take 3 a day max. I live in the UK. Can you tell me brands that are sold here, please? Thanks for all you do.
Stephen’s response:
Most people with lyme use serrapeptase to help break up biofilms; the supplement is also useful to help break up blood clots (making it useful in babesia and bartonella, for example), to lower inflammation in the body, and for certain kinds of pain. In general I don’t feel it an essential supplement in the treatment of lyme, though for some it is very useful. Most herbs, btw, will break up biofilms; I have a long list in the new edition of the lyme book.


  • Stephen Harrod Buhner

    Stephen Harrod Buhner was an Earth poet and an award-winning author of twenty-four books on nature, indigenous cultures, the environment, and herbal medicine including the acclaimed book Healing Lyme: Natural Healing & Prevention of Lyme Borreliosis & Its Co-infections.

    Stephen came from a long line of healers including Leroy Burney, Surgeon General of the United States under Eisenhower and Kennedy, and Elizabeth Lusterheide, a midwife and herbalist who worked in rural Indiana in the early nineteenth century. The greatest influence on his work, however, was his great-grandfather C.G. Harrod who primarily used botanical medicines, also in rural Indiana, when he began his work as a physician in 1911.

    Stephen’s work has appeared or been profiled in publications throughout North America and Europe including Common Boundary, Apotheosis, Shaman’s Drum, The New York Times, CNN, and Good Morning America. Stephen lectured yearly throughout the United States on herbal medicine, the sacredness of plants, the intelligence of Nature, and the states of mind necessary for successful habitation of Earth.

    He was a tireless advocate for the reincorporation of the exploratory artist, independent scholar, amateur naturalist, and citizen scientist in American society – especially as a counterweight to the influence of corporate science and technology.

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This protocol was incredible. After only a few weeks most of my symptoms were gone. After six months all my symptoms were gone… it has given me my life back.

– Amazon review by Joseph

Please note:

Stephen Buhner is no longer living and this Q + A column on Planet Thrive is closed to new questions. It will be kept on our website so readers can access vital information in the archives, communicate with each other in the comments section, and find herbs, books + lyme adjuncts in our directory. If you want to read more of Stephen’s writings, please see his website at:

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  1. Dolly A. Coburn

    Dear Stephen,
    I purchased your new lyme book and coinfection books and I am still struggling to understand the more technical sections of each, however I am finding much information helpful. Recently, I found an article about phage therapy interesting and wondered what your thoughts are regarding bacteriophages and the possibility of curing lyme in the future?

  2. Suzy


    I just ordered your book and am anxiously awaiting its arrival. I have a friend who follows your protocol and purchases from the herb companies you recommend and has had great success. I prefer to take all my supplements in tincture form , what company would you recommend for your protocol in the tincture form supplements?

    Thank you in advance.

  3. Suzanna

    Not sure how to proceed – have neuro lyme and recently took some chinese herbs which made my head worse and has now affected my teeth with all teeth which have a filling including root canal becoming infected. Drs in the country dont believe in lyme so not sure how to proceed- pull out infected teeth – each day more and more – or try and find someone to treat the lyme (can feel worm like sensations and burrowing daily since taking chinese herbs which let the parasite out of abdomen and into body parts – heart, brain, spine, lower back) can you help with way forward. Thanks for all you do.

  4. ELizabeth Freeman

    Dear Stephen.

    I have hospital acquired Klebsiella pneumonia – for 13 months now. resistant to treatment, obvs. my lungs are now damaged. A friend of mine who has Lyme told me about you. Does your protocol apply to Klebsiella Pneumonia? I’m new to this, and really anxious to rid myself of it and understand what to use to fight this. What would be your suggestion? Also for helping my immune system. I’d be so grateful to know as I’m very confused.

  5. NA Smith

    Generally speaking – for chronic or repeat infection – you want to make your blood inhospitable to bacterial & virus. No sugar, no grains (no rice, potatoes, flour, whole grains / ancient grains). Eat steamed or raw vegetables, simmered soups & stews using beets, yams, carrots, greens (any and all green veg) and ANY other veg you like. Lean meats (grass-fed if you can afford it) fish and fowl in small amounts 3x per day. Minimize dairy and butter, use olive oil and flax oil. Use soaked and cooked (over canned if possible) beans (at least 3 kinds at a time – this will fill you up from avoiding grains. Saute the beans in oil and / or butter, they need fat). Eat or juice loads of fresh fruit. Find a favorite Resveratrol (get Bioflavia grape skin powder or Japanese Knotweed) and take this with Turmeric and Curcumin and Aged Garlic Powder 3x per day. (Google this – it’s incredible for healing). Juice raw lemon with big chunk of *fresh* ginger and raw garlic and organic parsley – add honey. When I combined the above with probiotics after a course of prednesone and azithromicin antibiotics, I never looked back. It should work even without hospital meds and would not interfere with herbal tinctures.

  6. Rowie

    Hi NA Smith, why do advise to minimize the use of butter? I thought we were past that by now. Butter is a vital healthy food providing calories whilst going low carb, the fats are healthy and do not cause obesity. Furthermore the vitamins in butter like Vitamin D and K2, K3 are key to a good and healthy body. Especially children growing up CRAVE real grass fed butter, it is healthy for their bones and brains. So why do you advise to minimise butter use?

  7. Katie

    I think the casein in dairy is a no-no for a lot of people.

  8. Michell

    If you want to avoid casein in butter, but want butter….go for ghee. It’s clarified butter and tastes awesome.

  9. Ragnheidur

    does any one know what kind of taste is of serrapeptase I find the taste similar to penicillin and milk of my capsules

  10. NA Smith

    Rowie you speak the truth – I think I was considering a time when I was using dairy as an excuse not to cook well and I consumed dairy to the exclusion of variety. It set me up for failure.

  11. Justine

    I was recently put on to a product called Neuroprotek, to help support the nervous system, and my brain has been functioning better. I have been recommended Teasle Root tincture by a friend who used it. Apparently it enters cells and pulls the Lyme out. You do have to be very careful with it as you can suffer from die off/herx. Start with one drop per day and slowly build to 9 drops (3×3). Check out “tired of Lyme” website. Try mouth wash with a solution of bicarbonate of soda. The alkaline pH is good for enamel and is also antibacterial. Failing that some alcohols(high %) as mouthwash are also good as a mouth wash as they too are antibacterial. Good luck.

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