Healing Lyme Herbs

Japanese knotweed (Resveratrol) | Cat’s claw | Eleuthero | Astragalus

Ailanthus | Alchornea cordifolia | Andrographis | Artemisinin | Ashwagandha | Autumn crocus | Bidens pilosa | Boneset | Cordyceps | Cryptolepis | Devil’s claw | Hawthorn | Huperzine A | Khella | Nettle | Periwinkle (Vincamine) | Red Root | Rhodiola | Sida acuta | Smilax (Sarsaparilla) | Stephania root | Teasel root

Below are herb sources for the treatment protocol outlined in the book Healing Lyme by Stephen Harrod Buhner. Sources indicated with an asterisk (*) refer to those specifically recommended by Buhner in the book, in past Q & A columns, or in email communications.

Important: All indications noted with herbs in this section are excerpted from Healing Lyme, which should be read in full before proceeding with any treatment. The assistance of a qualified health care provider familiar with all dosage outlines, contraindications, and herb/drug interactions outlined in Healing Lyme, and familar with your personal health history and current symptoms is also strongly suggested.

Japanese Knotweed (Resveratrol) – CORE PROTOCOL
indications: prevention, acute onset, Bartonella co-infections, antispirochetals, neuroborreliosis, Lyme neurotoxins, memory and cognitive dysfunction, Lyme arthritis, dermatoborreliosis, Lyme carditis (with palpitations and shortness of breath), immune modulation, headaches, reducing Herxheimer reactions450 mg capsules, wild-crafted: Green Dragon Botanicals*

purchase it from: Green Dragon Botanicals
*Recommended by Stephen Buhner. He says, “I’m working to shift people to the Green Dragon Botanicals Japanese knotweed root and away from the Source Naturals resveratrol. The Source Naturals will work but I really do prefer the whole wildcrafted root as a medicine.”300 mg capsules, organic: LymeCore

purchase it from: LymeCore.com Contains 900mg of both organic Japanese knotweed and wildcrafted cat’s claw per 3 capsules. Provides the “foundation” to many herbal protocols devised by Stephen Buhner.100 mg capsules, wild-crafted: Paradise Herbs*

purchase it from: iHerb.com (*Get $5 off your 1st order with coupon code “GEN582” at checkout), other online vitamin shops or your local health food/vitamin store
*Recommended by Stephen Buhner. He says he likes this and the Source Naturals brand equally. Although they are two different mgs, he says “the two formulations are very difficult to compare, so I would stay with a max of 4 tablets 4x daily of each brand.”500 mg tablets: Source Naturals*

purchase it from: vitanetonline.com, other online vitamin shops or your local health food/vitamin store
*Recommended as a tablet form source of Resveratrol in Healing Lyme. According to the book, it contains 500 mg of Polygonum cuspidatum and resveratrols, standardized to 8%, and 10 mg resveratrol (piceid, resveratrol glucoside). Stephen says he likes this and the Paradise Herbs brand equally. Although they are two different mgs, he says “the two formulations are very difficult to compare, so I would stay with a max of 4 tablets 4x daily of each brand.” [Editor’s note: As of September 2011, we have received reports that some people have had bad reactions to Source Naturals brand Resveratrol but have done fine with Paradise herbs. Sometimes the brand makes all the difference.]bulk, wild-crafted: Monteagle Herbs

purchase it from: monteagleherbs.com
Wild-crafted Japanese knotweed, sold in both powder and cut/sifted forms.bulk, wildcrafted: Woodland Essence*

purchase it from: woodlandessence.com
*Recommended as a wildcrafted bulk source for Polygonum in Healing Lyme.bulk: 1st Chinese Herbs*

purchase it from: 1stchineseherbs.com (*Get 10% off your order (except for book sales) with coupon code “LYME” at checkout)
*Recommended as a bulk source for Polygonum in Healing Lyme. 1st Chinese Herbs sells the whole powdered form of Polygonum Cuspidatum (Japanese knotweed) as the Plum Flower brand of “Hu Zhang powder.” This whole form has no additional additives and should be gluten free. Plum Flower also offers Hu Zhang as a 5:1 concentrate, which has some starches used in processing and is not guaranteed gluten-free. One Planet Thrive member asked customer service at 1st Chinese Herbs if these versions contained filler ingredients and they told her:

The Plum Flower(r) Brand 5:1 concentrated extracts are spray-dried from a liquid state directly into a fine powder. Some herbs require a carrier such as dextrin (a corn product) or microcrystalline cellulose. In the past cornstarch, maltose, and maltodextrin were all used as carriers. As most of the 5:1s contain some starch or other excipient, we recommend that gluten sensitive patients use raw herb decoctions or pills instead.

tincture: Susquehanna Apothecary

purchase it from: lymeherb.com

Cat’s Claw (Uncaria tomentosa) – CORE PROTOCOL
indications: prevention, acute onset, immune modulation450 mg capsules: Green Dragon Botanicals*

purchase it from: Green Dragon Botanicals
*Recommended by Stephen Buhner.300 mg capsules, wildcrafted: LymeCore

purchase it from: LymeCore.com Contains 900mg of both organic Japanese knotweed and wildcrafted cat’s claw per 3 capsules. Provides the “foundation” to many herbal protocols devised by Stephen Buhner.bulk, wildcrafted: Botanical Preservation Corps*

purchase it from: Botanical Preservation Corps
*Recommended by Stephen Buhner.bulk, wildcrafted: Pacific Botanicals*

purchase it from: Pacific Botanicals
*Recommended by Stephen Buhner.bulk, wildcrafted: 1st Chinese Herbs*

purchase it from: 1st Chinese Herbs (*Get 10% off your order (except for book sales) with coupon code “LYME” at checkout)
*Recommended by Stephen Buhner.bulk, wildcrafted: Mountain Rose Herbs*

purchase it from: Mountain Rose Herbs
*Recommended by Stephen Buhner.

tincture: Susquehanna Apothecary

purchase it from: lymeherb.com

Eleuthero (Siberian Ginseng) – CORE PROTOCOL
indications: acute onset, chronic fatigue, brain fog, neuroborreliosis, depression, immune modulation, sluggish thyroid, Post Lyme Disease Syndrome (with weakness and fatigue)485 mg capsules: Nature’s Way*

*Although recommended by Buhner for Siberian ginseng in Healing Lyme, page 137: “I suggest Nature’s Way, which contains 250mg of standardized extract and 200mg of the whole herb,” when asked, Buhner said “I only put this in the book for people who do not want to use tincture. However, I strongly suggest the tincture and would not generally recommend the encapsulated herb.250 mg capsules: Nature’s Way

purchase it from: iHerb.com (*Get $5 off your 1st order with coupon code “GEN582” at checkout)Herb Pharm Eleuthero Extract**

purchase it from: Herb Pharm 1oz – alcohol-based | Herb Pharm 1 oz – glycerite (alcohol-free) (*Get $5 off your 1st order with coupon code “GEN582” at checkout) | Herb Pharm 4 oz
**Herb Pharm Eleuthro (Siberian ginseng extract) is the form Buhner recommends to start with. Herb Pharm Eleuthero is the only form available in very high potency of 2:1. For first 30-60 days, 1 teaspoon 3 times a day (page 137), then discontinue for 2 weeks.

***NOTE: The glycerite version is a lower potency, only 1.25:1 (instead of 2:1 like the alcohol version). That makes the glycerite more costly for same amount, and it means you’ll have to adjust the dosage up by 38%.

tincture: Susquehanna Apothecary

purchase it from: lymeherb.com

indications: prevention, acute onset, Erlichia co-infections, neuroborreliosis, Lyme carditis (with angina, palpitations, and shortness of breath), immune modulation500 mg capsules: Planetary Herbals

purchase it from: iHerb.com (*Get $5 off your 1st order with coupon code “GEN582” at checkout)500 mg capsules: Nature’s Answer

purchase it from: iHerb.com (*Get $5 off your 1st order with coupon code “GEN582” at checkout)
Contains BOTH extract AND whole root, which is recommended by Buhner.bulk, certified organic: Mountain Rose Herbs

purchase it from: mountainroseherbs.com

Ailanthus altissima
indications: specific for air hunger, giardia, good also for weak organs, as an adaptogen, helps thyroidtincture: Blue Wind Botanical*

purchase it from: bluewindbmc.com
*Recommended by Stephen Buhner.

Alchornea cordifolia
indications: Babesia co-infectionstincture: Woodland Essence*purchase it from:woodlandessence.com
*Recommended by Stephen Buhner. tincture: Montana Farmacypurchase it from: montanafarmacy.com

Andrographis paniculata
indications: prevention, acute onset, antispirochetals, dermatoborreliosis, immune modulation, headaches, chronic fatigue
CAUTION: To date, 3 people have reported allergic reactions to Andrographis. Primarily the reaction shows as a rather severe skin rash. This will resolve if you stop taking the herb, though it might take a week or so. Anti-inflammatories such as cortisone creams are not necessary; it will clear up on its own. Please pay attention to any skin reactions you might have to the herb and discontinue it if you have a reaction. If you are one of the very few that does experience a reaction, you can continue the rest of the herbs in the core protocol, simply deleting Andrographis.400 mg capsules: Nature’s Way*

purchase it from: iHerb.com (*Get $5 off your 1st order with coupon code “GEN582” at checkout), other online vitamin shops or your local health food/vitamin store
*Recommended by Stephen Buhner; meets his criteria outlined on page 88 of Healing Lyme for andrographis: “I suggest the use of the standarized herb in the treatment of lyme disease. These preparations normally contain 300mg of standarized constituents and 100mg whole herb—400mg total.400 mg tablets: Planetary Formulas Full Spectrum*

purchase it from: iHerb.com (*Get $5 off your 1st order with coupon code “GEN582” at checkout), other online vitamin shops or your local health food/vitamin store
*Stephen Buhner recommends this brand in his Planet Thrive Q & A column.400 mg, wild-crafted: Paradise Herbs*

purchase it from: iHerb.com (*Get $5 off your 1st order with coupon code “GEN582” at checkout), other online vitamin shops or your local health food/vitamin store
*Recommended by Stephen Buhner. He says “I think the andro is worth a try. I am unsure about the efficacy of the other herbs in this combination but the isatis would be excellent for immune function.bulk: 1st Chinese Herbs

purchase it from: 1stchineseherbs.com (*Get 10% off your order (except for book sales) with coupon code “LYME” at checkout)
Chuan Xin Lian (Andrographis)

Artemisinin (Artemisia annua)
indications: Babesia co-infections200 mg capsules: Allergy Research Group / Nutricology

purchase it from: iHerb.com (*Get $5 off your 1st order with coupon code “GEN582” at checkout)500 mg capsules: Zhang Clinic
patients can purchase it from:

Zhang clinic (212) 573-9584, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday 10am-6pm EST
Each Capsule contains 500mg (contains 33mg arteannuin) of the extract of Artemisiae annua L. Herba, Astragalus membranaceus and Codonopsis pilosula.

Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera)
indications: take 1,000 mg at night just before bed for insomnia, brain fog250 mg capsules: Paradise Herbs

purchase it from: iHerb.com (*Get $5 off your 1st order with coupon code “GEN582” at checkout)

Autumn Crocus (Colchicum autumnale)
indications: Erlichia co-infections
no herb sources listed currently

Bidens pilosa
indications: systemic infections
Note: People allergic to members of the aster family, such as ragweed, may also be allergic to bidens.tincture, wildcrafted: Giving Tree Botanicals

purchase it from: Heather Irvine at Giving Tree Botanicals in Vermont. General dosage: 1/4-1/2 tsp 3x daily for 30 days.

tincture: Montana Farmacy

purchase it from: montanafarmacy.com

Boneset (Eupatorium perfoliatum)
indications: Babesia and Bartonella co-infections
no herb sources listed currently

indications: increases NK cell activity, reduces cytokine cascadetincture, wildcrafted: Sage Woman Herbs*

purchase it from: sagewomanherbs.com
*Recommended by Stephen Buhner.

tincture: Montana Farmacy

purchase it from: montanafarmacy.com

Cryptolepis sanguinolenta (Periplocaceae)
indications: Babesia co-infectionstincture, wildcrafted: Green Dragon Botanicals*

purchase it from: 2 oz | 4 oz
*Recommended by Stephen Buhner.tincture, wildcrafted: Woodland Essence*

purchase it from: woodlandessence.com
*Recommended by Stephen Buhner in his Planet Thrive advice column. From Woodland Essence as of 3/2/07: Yes, we do sell the Cryptolepsis extract. The cryptolepsis is the root of a shrub which is wildcrafted in Ghana. It is a new herb extract for us to be selling, having been asked by Stephen Buhner to carry this, after his research showed what an excellent choice this herb is for Babesia co-infections with Lymes. We carry an alcohol extract (1:5, 65% alcohol) prepared with the dry herb. Dose ranges from 1/2 – 1 teaspoon 3x/day. The cost is : 1 ounce bottle $9.00; 2 ounce bottle $17.00; 4 ounce bottle $32.00. Folks can call to order @ 315.845.1515, or printout order form and mail, or order through email via our website or simply [email protected]. We are not set up for pay pal or credit cards online yet…we do take credit cards as payment via phone and mail though.

tincture: Montana Farmacy

purchase it from: montanafarmacy.com

Devil’s Claw (Harpagophytum procumbens)
indications: Lyme arthritis
no herb sources listed currently

Hawthorn (Crataegus oxyacantha)
indications: Lyme Carditis (with angina and arrhythmia)

tincture: Susquehanna Apothecary

purchase it from: lymeherb.com

Huperzine A (Huperzia serratum)
indications: neuroborreliosis, memory and cognitive dysfunction, Post Lyme Disease Syndrome (with memory deficits)
no herb sources listed currently

Khella (Amni visnaga)
indications: Lyme carditis (with angina)
no herb sources listed currently

Nettle (Urtica dioica)
indications: Lyme arthritis
If you prefer your nettles as an infusion, you can buy bulk, cut and sifted. For healthy bones, Susun Weed suggests 1 oz dried nettles to 1 quart boiling water, let steep overnight. Drink 2 cups per day. Buhner suggests up to 2 oz per quart for high doses of vitamin C.bulk, organic: Mountain Rose Herbs

purchase it from: MountainRoseHerbs.combulk, organic: Frontier Natural

purchase it from: mothernature.combulk, organic: 1stChineseHerbs.com

purchase it from: 1stchineseherbs.com (*Get 10% off your order (except for book sales) with coupon code “LYME” at checkout)bulk, organic: Red Moon Herbs

purchase it from: RedMoonHerbs.com

Periwinkle (Vincamine)
indications: memory and cognitive dysfunction, eye involvement (Ocularborreliosis), headaches, Post Lyme Disease Syndrome (with memory deficits)
no herb sources listed currently

Red Root (Ceanothus americanus or equivalent)
indications: Babesia and Bartonella co-infections, swollen lymph nodes / sluggish lymph glandsbulk, wildcrafted: Mountain Rose Herbs

purchase it from: MountainRoseHerbs.com
Red root is one of the few herbs that Buhner recommends in tincture (1:5 50% alcohol) rather than as whole herb (see page 186). Note that red root is contraindicated in people using blood coagulants or anticoagulants and in pregnancy.tincture, wildcrafted: Eclectic Institute, Red Root

purchase it from: iHerb.com (*Get $5 off your 1st order with coupon code “GEN582” at checkout)tincture, wildcrafted: Herb Pharm

purchase it from: iHerb.com (*Get $5 off your 1st order with coupon code “GEN582” at checkout)

Rhodiola rosea
indications: energy, endurance, staminatincture, wildcrafted: Herb Pharm

purchase it from: iHerb.com (*Get $5 off your 1st order with coupon code “GEN582” at checkout)

Sida acuta
indications: babesia, bartonellatincture, wildcrafted: Woodland Essence*

purchase it from: woodlandessence.com
*Recommended source for Sida acuta on BuhnerHealingLyme.com.tincture: Montana Farmacy

purchase it from: montanafarmacy.comSeeds for growing yourself

purchase it from: e*species Tropical SeedsPlant material and seeds for growing yourself

purchase it from: Southern Habitats

Smilax (Sarsaparilla)
indications: neuroborreliosis, Lyme arthritis, dermatoborreliosis
CAUTION: Sarsaparilla may interact with Aloe425 mg capsules: Nature’s Way

purchase it from: iHerb.com (*Get $5 off your 1st order with coupon code “GEN582” at checkout)

tincture: Susquehanna Apothecary

purchase it from: lymeherb.com

Stephania Root (Stephania tetrandra, S. cepharantha)
indications: anti-spirochetals, Bell’s Palsy, neuroborreliosis, memory and cognitive dysfunction, eye involvement (Ocularborreliosis), Lyme arthritis, Lyme carditis (with angina and arrhythmia), immune modulation, headaches
CAUTION: New research has shown stephania unsafe for use in pregnancy1st Chinese Herbs*

purchase it from: 1stchineseherbs.com (*Get 10% off your order (except for book sales) with coupon code “LYME” at checkout)
*Recommended source for Stephania Root in Healing Lyme. tincture: Woodland Essence*

purchase it from: woodlandessence.com
*Per Stephen Buhner on 3/09/09, Woodland Essence is now selling a Stephania (Stephania tetrandra) root tincture that he thinks is pretty good.

tincture: Susquehanna Apothecary

purchase it from: lymeherb.com

Teasel Root (Dipsacus sylvestris)
indications: Lyme arthritistincture: Herb Works

purchase it from: stores.ebay.com/Herb-Works
This eBay store is maintained by Dr. Philip Fritchey, N.D., a naturopath with Lyme, who wildcrafted this organically grown teasel in New York State, 2008 season.

tincture: Susquehanna Apothecary

purchase it from: lymeherb.comtincture: Walker Farms

purchase it from: walkerherbs.com
Walker Farms uses brandy instead of grain alcohol as the extraction medium to produce a tincture that is less harsh to the body.tincture: Woodland Essence

purchase it from: woodlandessence.com