Sometimes all you need is a nutrient-dense vegetable broth — packed with greens, root veggies, seaweed, mushrooms, herbs and spices! Add 3-4 cups of this miracle stock to any soup for delicious flavor and optimal nutrition.
Makes ~3 quarts of broth.
1 large onion, chopped (include the outer skin if organic)
2 large carrots, sliced (include carrot tops and skin if organic)
1 cup daikon or radish (ideal, but optional)
1 cup root vegetables (turnip, parsnip, not potato!)
2 cups chopped greens: kale, parsley, beet greens, collards, chard,dandelion, cilantro
1/2 cup seaweed: nori, dulse, kelp, kombu (optional, but highly recommended)
1 leek
1/2 cup cabbage
2 celery stalks
1 cup fresh or dried shiitake mushrooms (optional)
6 whole black peppercorns
2 bay leaves
2 whole all spice or juniper berries
3-5 whole cloves of garlic
2 inch piece of fresh ginger, sliced
sea salt, to taste
4 quarts cold water, more if needed

- Rinse all the vegetables well, including the seaweed. In a large stock pot, combine all the vegetables and spices except for the sea salt.
- Fill the pot to 2 inches below the rim. Cover, and bring to a boil.
- Once it is boiling, remove the lid and decrease the heat to low. Simmer uncovered for at least two hours.
- As the broth simmers some of the water will evaporate, add more if some of the vegetables start to peek out.
- Simmer until the full richness of the vegetables can be tasted.
- Strain out the vegetables through a large coarse mesh sieve (remember to place a heat-resistant container underneath), then add the sea salt.
- Let cool to room temperature before refrigerating or freezing (up to 3 months).