Trace Minerals I Love
My favorite whole food forms of trace mineral supplementation!
How to Recover Your Sense of Taste + Smell
Seven ways to address loss of taste and smell associated with the COVID virus.
Buhner Healing Lyme website being shut down
The website will be moving back to Planet Thrive this week.
Kava kava for insomnia?
Dear Stephen, I was wondering what you thought about the herb Kava kava as a treatment for insomnia?
Sida acuta side effects
Dear Stephen, Are there any known side effects with sida acuta?

Bedridden from lyme disease to traveling the world!
Teenager bedridden from lyme disease and chemical sensitivity reclaims his life with the help of the Dynamic Neural Retraining System™ developed by Annie Hopper.
Mycoplasma in 8 year old
Dear Stephen, My son has very high titers for mycoplasma (1:320). Can I treat mycoplasma first before I target lyme, and is the protocol suitable for children?
Why don’t you recommend andrographis anymore?
Dear Stephen, Why don’t you recommend andrographis anymore?
Brain fog
Dear Stephen, Why does the fog come and go? I don’t want to go to sleep because I know it will be back shortly after I wake.