Sign petition today to keep MCS mom with her children
Please sign this petition to show your support for an Indiana mother with environmental illness who is at risk of losing her children in a custody battle with her estranged husband. He is claiming she is mentally ill because she has chemical sensitivity.
Reminder: EHS Symposium begins Sunday night in the U.S.
Starting on 23rd March at 8 am (AEDT), the 2015 Environmental Sensitivities Symposium will run for 8 consecutive days – if you live in Eastern U.S., it will start on 5 pm Sunday, March 22, 2015.
My Healing Journey From MCS Back To Health
by Susan Newborn | Seven years ago, I became completely disabled with MCS. Three years ago I began Amygdala Retraining with the Gupta Programme and am now well again.

The best little car corral in Arizona
a how-to on protecting your vehicle from local critters that love to nest in your car engine – without the use of harmful chemicals

Anne Lipscomb’s story
Anne Lipscomb developed multiple chemical sensitivity in 1993. Her book and movie is one woman’s story of how the imagination finally comes to triumph over physical limitations.

Gluten free pecan tart crust
by Elana Amsterdam | Here’s a healthy paleo tart crust made from pecans, egg and coconut flour –gluten free, of course!
Jerking and twitching legs and feet
Dear Stephen, What can you suggest for jerking and twitching legs/feet that start when I am trying to fall asleep?
Eleuthero alternative
Dear Stephen, Eleutherococcus has caused palpitations for my husband; what can he use for help with fatique?
Sida acuta okay to take for longer than 30 days?
Dear Stephen, I am at the 30 day mark with sida acuta and wish to continue with it as progress is very slow. Is it safe to take sida acuta for more than 30 days?