Registration for Marie Forleo’s legendary Rich, Happy and Hot B-School 2013 opens today!
Movie: The Living Matrix
The Living Matrix – The Science of Healing, uncovers new ideas about the intricate web of factors that determine our health.
Why I added plaintain and green cabbage to my daily juice
by Julie Genser | I recently started adding plantain extract and cabbage to my daily green veggie juice to increase the healing digestive properties.
$100 Hope Grants for homeless MCS and EHS people
A private, anonymous donor is awarding $100 cash grants to people who are homeless due to chemical and//or electromagnetic sensitivity. Applications are due by March 25, 2013.
Resonance: Beings of Frequency
A sensational eye opening documentary which reveals the harm we are doing by existing in an ocean of man made wireless frequencies.
Gluten free chocolate chip scones
by Elana Amsterdam | These quick and easy gluten-free, dairy-free Chocolate Chip Scones are made from coconut flour, which makes them cakey and fluffy, without a heavy crumb.
My body is craving jungle energy and positive life experiences
by Julie Genser | This next year will hopefully see a huge jump in transformative growth for me…as I catapult out of environmental illness into environmental wellness.
Simple green juice
by Elana Amsterdam | Simple Green Juice made with just three ingredients (cucumber, parsley, and lemon) is ultra refreshing.
Gluten free cranberry chocolate truffles
by Elana Amsterdam | Made with a coconut oil base, dark chocolate, dried cranberries, and a dash of stevia, these truffles are a lovely little pick-me-up in a sea of holiday junk food.
My lyme treatment feels so good!
by Julie Genser | I am finally doing a full on lyme treatment!! After all these years of not tolerating herbs and supplements! Woo hooo!!! And it feels so good!