Dear Stephen, I would be very interested in hearing your take on Young Living Essential Oils (YLEO) and their use for lyme.
Using allicin/allimed with herbs
Dear Stephen, What are your thoughts on using allimed (concentrated allicin) with your protocol?
Awful bloat, food allergies, exhaustion
Dear Stephen, I’m a 27 year old woman who’s been sick for the past two years. It started with bloating and mild food allergies that deteriorated into so many food allergies I can barely eat, a distended stomach, and many other difficult symptoms.
Knotweed okay with lumbrokinase?
Dear Stephen, I’ve read that knotwood has blood thinning properties. Can it be taken with lumbrokinase?
New bite: Should I take herbs alone or with antibiotics?
Dear Stephen, I have had lyme for two and a half months. I took doxycycline for only 6 days. Should I take antibiotics again or would it be better to start your herbs immediately?
Mixing up Buhner and Cowden protocols
Dear Stephen, I have been on your protocol and my nutritionist would like to start me on some of the Cowden herbs as well. Should I not do both at the same time or is there a way of combining the two to great effect?
Vitamin D supplementation, Marshall protocol
Dear Stephen, I want to share my story with you to bring to your attention a real case study when vitamin D made a lyme patient worse, not better.
Role of houttuynia in bartonella protocol
Dear Stephen, What is the role of houttuynia in your bartonella protocol? I can’t find any explanation on your website.
Taking and going off antibiotics during pregnancy
Dear Stephen, Should I keep taking antibiotics through the end of my pregnancy and breastfeeding, or can I go off of antibiotics and trust that herbs will keep my baby from contracting lyme in utero and via breastmilk?
Generalized dystonia with lyme
Dear Stephen, I have been ill for 5 years (I am 38, former kindergarten teacher) and within the past year have developed severe “idiopathic” generalized dystonia. Do you have any advice?