Dear Stephen, About 2-3 months ago my symptoms worsened greatly, then I started to feel better. But within the last month some of my symptoms have worsened again. Is it natural for there to be ups and downs with symptoms?
is protocol working?
Protocol not working?
Dear Stephen, I’ve had hellish symptoms now for over 2 years. Don’t most people begin to feel better within the first few months on the protocol? It’s been around 5-6 months for me…but I’m worse if anything.
Will the protocol be harmful if I don’t have lyme?
Dear Stephen, I highly respect the potency/efficacy of herbs and wonder if there would be any potential harm in doing the protocol if I don’t actually have lyme (or if I have a different kind of infection)?
How long for protocol to work?
Dear Stephen, How long does it take to see a complete turn around while using the protocol – approximately how many months, weeks, etc.?
12-yr old with minor lyme symptoms
Dear Stephen, Has anyone with “mild” symptoms of lyme STARTED with the herbs, without ever doing antiobiotics, and experienced success?
Should progress be linear?
Dear Stephen, Have you seen people on the protocol get worse for periods of time without adjusting the dose, or is progress usually linear?
Herb resistance common after two years?
Dear Stephen, I read that many people develop resistance to the herb combination after two years. What’s your take on this?
No effect from herbs after one month on protocol
Dear Stephen, I have been using your protocol for over a month now and have felt no effect from it so far. I have just reached the maximum dosage. How much longer do you recommend I continue?
Success rate of your herbal protocol
Dear Stephen, I discussed your lyme protocol with my doctor here in Germany. He is open to using herbal protocols but he would like to see evidence of improvement in lyme disease by the use of this protocol.
Do you have to herx for the protocol to work?
Dear Stephen, Does everyone have to have herxheimer reactions as a sign that bacteria is dying and treatment is working? If you don’t react, does it mean what you’re doing isn’t working?