I have lyme/bartonella. Recently my dentist caused an infection that spread throughout my whole mouth. I believe I have spirochetes in the remaining teeth causing lots of pain. Help!

Peppermint patties
Celebrate St. Patty’s Day with these delicious gluten-free and vegan peppermint patties.
Lyme co-infections
Dear Stephen, I have mycoplasma, bartonella and Chlamydia trachomatis. Blood tests also show that I have had Chlamydia pneumoniae…what herbs do you suggest?

Addicted to garlic
Dear Susun, I think I am addicted to garlic. I eat at least 2-3 raw cloves a day…can you suggest some ways to incorporate garlic into my diet?
Red root and liver detox pathways
Dear Stephen, In your research, have you come across any info on how red root affects the liver detoxification enzyme pathways?
Helping herxes/rife
Dear Stephen, My question is what can be done for the relief of extremely intense herxing? Can this protocol be used in combination with rife machine therapy?

Eggshell Seed Starters
These biodegradable eggshell planters are perfect for starting seeds! When the plants get too big for the shells, you can transplant them straight to the soil, shell and all.
Diagnosed with late stage babesia
Dear Stephen, I’ve recently been diagnosed with late stage babesia. My doctor has put me on 3 different antibiotics for this and none have touched it. I need some advice…I’m hoping you can help.
Breastfeeding and treating lyme
Dear Stephen, I am a 46 yr old Mom to 3 kids (all with lyme, one with autism). I am still nursing my 2 year old and am wondering if there is anything I should NOT take to treat myself.
Loss of taste under the 3 main protocol herbs
Dear Stephen, One month after starting the herbs I lost all taste over a period of three days, however I have been feeling so much better after taking the herbs even for this short time that I do not wish to stop any of them.