I have read your book but I can’t find anything about how to handle the use of herbs in case of co-infection. Should you eat the specific herbs connected to the co-infections along with the core protocol, or should you start treating co-infections first? Can the herbs specific for co infections also be taken along with long term antibiotics like clarithromycin or tetracycline? I have mycoplasma, bartonella and Chlamydia trachomatis. The blood tests also show that I have had Chlamydia pneumoniae. However, I can’t find any specific herbs for Chlamydia trachomatis. What do you suggest?
Yes, you take the herbs for co-infections along with the core protocol herbs. Yes, they can be taken along with long term antibiotics.
Luteolin 200-400 mg daily, cryptolepis 1/2 tsp 3x daily.