review of Susan Abod’s movie “Homesick – Living with Multiple Chemical Sensitivities” by disability activist Susan Molloy

review of Susan Abod’s movie “Homesick – Living with Multiple Chemical Sensitivities” by disability activist Susan Molloy
The Living Matrix – The Science of Healing, uncovers new ideas about the intricate web of factors that determine our health.
A sensational eye opening documentary which reveals the harm we are doing by existing in an ocean of man made wireless frequencies.
Anne Lipscomb developed multiple chemical sensitivity in 1993. Her book and movie is one woman’s story of how the imagination finally comes to triumph over physical limitations.
A powerful documentary that investigates our government’s criminal mishandling of 9/11 and what the long-term health consequences have been for the workers and local residents in the area since the attacks.
by Sue Bozzo | I attended the U.S. premiere of a new Swedish film about the consequences of human chemical consumption last night. I could not see the film without speaking about it.
Bonnie Sherr Klein’s film presents a funny and intimate portrait of five surprising individuals with diverse disabilities. Watch the film and then join our live chat to discuss disability, art, and creativity.
EARTHLINGS is an award-winning documentary film about the suffering of animals for food, fashion, pets, entertainment and medical research, and is is nicknamed “the Vegan maker” for its sensitive footage.
A dramatic tale of microbes, medicine & money.
An eye opening documentary film that chronicles six diabetics who switch to a diet consisting entirely of organic, vegan, uncooked food to reverse disease without prescription drugs.