by Elisha McFarland | Since having all of this dental work completed, I have seen a significant shift in my health…I can say that I am almost completely healed.

by Elisha McFarland | Since having all of this dental work completed, I have seen a significant shift in my health…I can say that I am almost completely healed.
by Diana Rose Kottle | It is an illusion to think we have control over the outcome of anything and yet we are more powerful as creators of our own reality than we could even imagine. This is the paradox.
by Lisa Snow | Sometimes we do include positive affirmations in EFT, using the Choices Method. Read this article to find out how.
Enter to win one of five free premium memberships being given away to celebrate the grand opening of Canary Singles, a place to meet others with chemical injury for companionship, dating, friendship, love and marriage.
by Lisa Snow, EFT practitioner | I would be willing to bet that every last chemically sensitive person has encountered at least one person (probably many, many people) who “just don’t get” MCS.
by Lisa Snow, EFT practitioner | Emotional Freedom Technique, or EFT, works at a physical level to help the body heal itself by balancing the energy system.
by Stephen Harrod Buhner | Fasting is an exceptionally ancient, and powerful, approach to healing many common disease conditions. It allows the body to rest, detoxify, and to heal.
by Lady Barbara | Now, after MANY years of writing, and coaching and listening to others with Lyme, I’m still of the mind that FEAR is the greatest obstacle to healing.
by Peggy Munson | …ME/CFS patients have tended to get sucked into what domestic violence activists call the “cycle of violence,” believing the bullies’ lies that they will change…
by Julie Genser | Sometimes prescription drugs can cause new conditions that are permanent, as in the case of tardive dyskinesia, a movement disorder caused by some medications.