The perfect side dish for a summer picnic – made with purple cabbage for a delectably sweet crunch.

The perfect side dish for a summer picnic – made with purple cabbage for a delectably sweet crunch.
This is a delicious side dish that is easy to prepare. To make it a main course, toss it with cooked pasta, rice or quinoa, add white beans or cooked chicken, and stir in more pesto, to taste.
A simple, tasty, and light gluten-free recipe from Elana’s pantry.
This green veggies and sprouts juice provides a protein-packed jumpstart for your day.
What could possibly be better for a leisurely weekend breakfast than a bowl of homemade granola soaked in homemade cultured oat milk, topped off with juicy fresh raspberries?
I love tempeh, especially when browned in a bed of caramelized onions and garlic and paired with a vegetable like broccoli, winter squash or sweet potato.
A lot like hummus, but green – with the incredible flavor of peas bursting through, highlighted by thyme, sorrel, and olive oil.
Watermelon (or, water-melon) is 92% water. Its a powerful fruit that is packed with vitamins, antioxidants and re-fueling mineral components.
Learn how to make a healing comfrey burn poultice and save it in your freezer for future use – a must for any natural first aid kit. Can also be used on aches, sprains, and breaks!
These are light, airy, crispy, salty, and aromatic. One bite and you’re hooked. If you have any hesitancy about eating seaweed, these tempting little things will turn you right around!