I’m treating lyme with the core protocol, teasel, and eleuthero, and using boneset for symptom relief from pains which I suspect might be bartonella (very intermittent and mild, but stabbing pain in shins and other bones. I also have other bartonella symptoms). While I’m waiting for my bartonella test results, I’m on week 3 of using boneset tea daily (and red root and core protocol herbs). It is unclear to me from the book whether boneset can be taken long-term for this condition and I would like to ask for further clarification on this—it sounded to me like you suggest it for ‘outbreaks’ of symptoms while using the core protocol and more general immune support for the underlying problem. It provides me such good pain relief that I would like to continue taking it if it’s not contraindicated.
Boneset can be taken long term. It is a good herb for chronic conditions like these.