Buying herbs in Canada

by | Aug 9, 2007 | Columns, getting herbs outside u.s., Healing Lyme, Herbs | 0 comments

Dear Stephen,
I have been suffering with chronic lyme and babesia for over 18 years, unable to work, drive or socialize much all these years. It took me over 14 years to finally get a confirmed diagnosis. I have been on antibiotics for 10 years now, and while they keep me functional I am not recovering. I have been looking for alternatives and I just found out about your book a month ago, ordered it and have just started reading it. (Very thorough by the way.) I want to add these herbs to my protocol, and eventually get off all antibiotics. I am in Canada and (if I don’t have to) I would prefer not to be be ordering all my herbs from the USA, as it gets so expensive with shipping, handling fees at customs and taxes.

I am going to see if I can locate these herbs in Canada either already prepared in capsule form or by going to an herbalist store in Toronto and encapsulating them myself. Do you feel going this route would be okay and effective and do you have any suggestions or recommendations, as to what I should know before purchasing loose herbs or encapsulated herbs from an herbalists shop? Or better yet do you have names of companies or stores in Canada? Much appreciated.

Stephen’s response:
Most of the herbs I suggest, e.g. resveratrol (Japanese knotweed) by Source Naturals should be available in Canada. I prefer this brand of knotweed and a standardized form of andrographis for treating lyme. I feel especially strong about the resveratrol being crucial. I am finding that Siberian ginseng (eleuthero) is pretty crucial for low energy and that herb should be at least a 1:2 preparation or 1:1 such as herb pharm produces. Cat’s claw and stephania are fine to encapsulate yourself. And if you really can’t get resveratrol or andrographis, yes they will work if you do it yourself.

This protocol was incredible. After only a few weeks most of my symptoms were gone. After six months all my symptoms were gone… it has given me my life back.

– Amazon review by Joseph

Please note:

Stephen Buhner is no longer living and this Q + A column on Planet Thrive is closed to new questions. It will be kept on our website so readers can access vital information in the archives, communicate with each other in the comments section, and find herbs, books + lyme adjuncts in our directory. If you want to read more of Stephen’s writings, please see his website at:

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