Someone recommended the Ejuva Intestinal Cleansing Program herbs to me. Are you familiar with these products, do you find them safe and effective, and are you a fan of these types of herbal cleanses in general? What about for someone with lyme and other environmental illnesses? Much thanks!
I am not much of a fan of these kinds of cleansing programs except those that come from periodic fasting (perhaps once per year in late winter or early spring). For Crohn’s I have found that diet alteration, a mild fasting program for a few weeks and then the introduction of specific plants works the best. I talk about the regimen in my book Vital Man, however the best thing I have found is the use of a regular juicing regimen: cabbage, celery, and carrot—the cabbage is the main healing ingredient; it is specific for this kind of problem in the GI tract. Malted barley works similarly. Other herbs such as slippery elm, marshmallow root, and licorice root powders help immensely.