Dear Stephen,
I am switching over completely to your herbal protocol and have just a few questions. I’ve always had air hunger. Sometimes so severe that I’ve gone to the ER. Of course they say I’m perfectly fine. My LLMD mentioned babesia, but thinks it might also just be a mechanical thing with the way my organs are working with lyme. Can you let me know what your thoughts are? Everytime I get air hunger, I test my oxygen saturation levels with my PulseOximeter and I’m always at 95-99% which seems to contradict the way I feel. Do you think this sounds like babesiosis? Or would I be seeing lower oxygen levels with babesiosis? Thank you for all the time you spend to help us.


Stephen’s response:
There are a number of things that can cause air hunger, some, such as hypothyroidism, can be related to lyme. One of the more common would be a bartonella coinfection. I would suggest trying 30-60 days of Sida acuta to see if it helps; ¼ tsp 3x daily of the tincture. You can purchase it at

This protocol was incredible. After only a few weeks most of my symptoms were gone. After six months all my symptoms were gone… it has given me my life back.

– Amazon review by Joseph

Please note:

Stephen Buhner is no longer living and this Q + A column on Planet Thrive is closed to new questions. It will be kept on our website so readers can access vital information in the archives, communicate with each other in the comments section, and find herbs, books + lyme adjuncts in our directory. If you want to read more of Stephen’s writings, please see his website at:

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  1. Michelle K Towle

    You recommended Sida acuta above for air hunger. There is another Sida acuta Glycinate I believe it’s called on your site. Which to use and what is the difference? Could this help air hunger that may be caused by thyroid, high B12 with MTHFR, cortisol, iron etc or some other unknown reason? Not just caused by Banesia or Bartonella? I have extreme air hunger these past 3 weeks along with high B12 and high T3 out of nowhere. I do not supplement with B12. I dropped my T3 dose but it hasn’t helped. I noticed one weekend I walked around NYC and sweat profusely the whole time, because I overheat something wicked, that the air hunger went away. But the next day after I left there it came back. I am at a loss. The air hunger is exhausting me. Just trying to get in air is wearing me out.

  2. Karen

    Hi Michelle

    You might want to make sure you don’t have Covid. Maybe try taking a few doses of Aconite 30c ( homeopathic remedy) or Bach rescue remedy until you get an answer to your above question.

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