My son was diagnosed at the age one and a half with a rare autoimmune disease: CIDP. After a year and a half of IVIG treatment and his neurologist constantly ignoring many other painful symptoms including Bell’s palsy, we finally have a positive bartonella test and are awaiting his lyme and babesia results which his new LLMD has ordered. We have him on herbs and antibiotics and many of his symptoms have improved but we are very eager to stop the IVIG treatments and cannot get any advice from any doctor if this is a good idea or not. Is there any way to know if now that he is on herbal and antibiotic treatment whether his polyneuropathy will get better without IVIG? He is still in a considerable amount of pain especially in his feet and does have weakness but it is hard to know if it is herxing or nerve damage. The IVIG did improve his strength but never took away the symptoms. Initial tests did show polyneuropathy but his symptoms were always just slightly different from his CIDP diagnoses which is what has driven us since he was diagnosed almost two years ago with CIDP to keep searching for answers. Now that we are getting the answers we are searching for recovery for our brave little fighter. Do you recommend a rife machine as well?
Treating children in the U.S. with non-technological medicine is sometimes difficult due to the nature of the law around medical treatment for children. The state essentially believes, and the courts agree, that ALL children in the U.S. are wards of the state. The parents only have custody of them as long as they behave well. Behaving well means, in some instances, using ONLY the medical interventions believed by medical techinicians to be legitimate. This does not include herbs. Once you enter the medical realm with a child, getting out is often difficult. Some physicians are very supportive of alternatives, many are not. You need to approach altering his medical treatment carefully in order to prevent conflict with the medical technologists you are working with. If you think there is a possibility of conflict the best approach is to find another physician and tell your current neurologist you are switching physicians. You do have that right. So, find a physician that is supportive and then begin a shift into a different protocol approach.
Dear Steve I am going to start the buhner protocol for bartonella as soon as I’m tested next week.I woke up a year ago with paralyzed feet and went to the hospital and they said I had Guillain Barre Disorder which is an autoimmune disease. I suspect I have bartonella now and my feet are still paralyzed.What can I take to get my feet moving again? I’ve heard knotweed ,and B vitamins and 1000 different other supplements.Can you help me please? I don’t know what to take? Also what are the above all first supplements to buy for bartonella?
Hi Bill,
The basic Bartonella protocol is listed right on our homepage. The full protocol is found in Stephen’s book on the subject. Best, Julie
Thanks Julie should I buy the core protocol or the tonic protocol and add to it or should I just do the bartonella protocol?