Dear Stephen,
I want to make a tincture from Stephania tetrandra (powdered) that was bought about 10 month ago. Can I use powdered herbs to make tinctures? What proportions in this case should be applied? Thank you in advance for reply.
Stephen’s response:
Yes, you can use powdered herbs. Use one part herb to 5 parts liquid. The liquid should be 65% alcohol and 35% water.
Hi Stephen :been to dr. with negative tests (WB and PR) no rash sign but most debilitating symptoms since tick bite 8 months ago. I want to do this protocol as I am having very debilitating neuro symptoms. Should I still find a physician that treats with antibiotics then do the protocol or begin the protocol in conjunction with antibiotics or no anitbiotics as I fear taking excessive antibiotics. Thank you so much for giving me hope as I am at my wits end since my physician has told me lyme doesn’t exist in Georgia and just keeps ordering tests…..EXPENSIVE with negative findings. She will not prescribe any antibiotic since test negative. Please let me no your thoughts. Thank you from a most grateful heart. xo Amelia
How are you feeling my dear?
I am having trouble getting Stephania powder into Australia. I found this on Amazon but they wont ship here either??
Any ideas greatly appreciated.
You will probably find chinese herbal vendors who would stock it under the name Han Fang Ji
How to make a decoction with stephania tetandra powder for use as an eye wash?
Many thanks
you can buy stephania root tincture at Hawaii Pharm website – they deliver to Australia