I have had lyme for almost 3 1/2 years. I’m just 27 and was diagnosed 5 months back for lyme. In the first year of lyme I had a retinal tear in my left eye. I had laser surgery to fix the tear. Recently 3 months back while on antibiotics I had retinal tears again, in both eyes. I had to go for laser treatment again. This was also followed by floaters. I was wondering if lyme or any co-infection causing this. I’m also worried about having one more retinal tear in the future. Are there any other herbs/supplements on top of stephania to take care of my precious eyes?
Retinal tear is one of the specific signs of bartonella. I would highly recommend the use of a bartonella protocol: Sida acuta, red root, l-arginine, EGCG in addition to whatever else you are taking.