I have been concerned about issues with myelin sheaths. I was doing much better for a while on the protocols – specifically the collagenous protocol for this (I think) but, have had a period of set back again this fall. I have a lot of CNS issues and the biggest worry for me right now is the loss of sensation/numbness on mainly my right side – larger areas that are affecting my ability to function more and more. I do have a 5mm brain lesion too. I was wondering about Planetary Herbals’ Myelin Sheath Support (there is astragalus in this but, I don’t know if it’s enough to matter?) Any thoughts or other suggestions would be greatly appreciated – thank you.
That is a pretty good product, there is not enough astragalus to matter. The product has a good combination of supplements that will support the myelin sheaths. I would appreciate hearing how it works for you.
Hi Stephen,
I am need of assistance with herbsto to get rid of the elevtor feeling I have when I walk. When I walk I will get a feeling as if my body is being pulled down briefly and then I walk normal. Ii had it for about 7 months yet. I became sick 9 months ago and didn’t know. My head feels, along with my left ear. My head feels very full and I wonder if my brain is swollen or could it be some nerves were affected and hopefully need to be repaired. Please let me know if this feeling goes away/ What would you suggest.
Thank you!