I recently ordered your recommended bartonella protocol products and would like to know how these should be taken (e.g., time of day, before/after meals, etc.). Thank you so much for all your efforts to help those of us who suffer.
Take before meals; on waking, before lunch, before dinner.
Stephen Harrod Buhner was an Earth poet and an award-winning author of twenty-four books on nature, indigenous cultures, the environment, and herbal medicine including the acclaimed book Healing Lyme: Natural Healing & Prevention of Lyme Borreliosis & Its Co-infections.
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Stephen came from a long line of healers including Leroy Burney, Surgeon General of the United States under Eisenhower and Kennedy, and Elizabeth Lusterheide, a midwife and herbalist who worked in rural Indiana in the early nineteenth century. The greatest influence on his work, however, was his great-grandfather C.G. Harrod who primarily used botanical medicines, also in rural Indiana, when he began his work as a physician in 1911.
Stephen’s work has appeared or been profiled in publications throughout North America and Europe including Common Boundary, Apotheosis, Shaman’s Drum, The New York Times, CNN, and Good Morning America. Stephen lectured yearly throughout the United States on herbal medicine, the sacredness of plants, the intelligence of Nature, and the states of mind necessary for successful habitation of Earth.
He was a tireless advocate for the reincorporation of the exploratory artist, independent scholar, amateur naturalist, and citizen scientist in American society – especially as a counterweight to the influence of corporate science and technology.
I have a diagnosis of Lyme but suspect bartonella. It’s very hard to get a llmd in the UK. How do I tell the symptoms apart.
I am thinking of going to a herbalist in the UK – do you know any who are knowledgeable of lyme/bart?
I have read the bartonella protocol – is 30 days really all it takes to rid bartonella? Even after many years? Do you know if all the herbs etc are available in UK?
many thanks.
(diagnosed with lyme some years ago but although responded well inititally to samento/banderol hit a wall. Not yet tried abx). Really not sure if I have bart – do have sore feet but thought this was a symptom of lyme. Worse symptoms are fibromyalgia, dizziness, chronic fatigue.)
I have had terribly sore feet for 5 months, have just been tested positive for Lyme Disease. A specialist who I just saw and told him about my foot problems, said emphatically It’s Bartonella. Is this a common symptom of this Co-Infection?
I ordered the LB core for lymes ,I also have Bartonella do I need-to take something else
I just received your updated book..I’m so overwhelmed I started to cry! How do I know which infection I may have? My doc started me on a month of antibiotic on the assumption I have Lyme given my history with untreated tick bites (one about 8 yrs ago, imbedded for over 2 wks and had inflammation, I refused the treatment not knowing the severity of the outcome. One a few yrs ago and took doxy for 2 days) I get headaches that are every day that last for months and transient joint pain, tired all the time. At one time I was tested for lupus because of the joint symptoms. I just bought cats claw, andrographis and the japenese knotweed. I’m eating a candida cure based diet. Is there a way to accurately test for which co infection or do I just take the herbs and hope for the best? Thank you for your help!
Just read your comment about your feet dated October of last year. I also suffer from sore feet in addition to peripheral neuropathy (tingling and numbness). I tested positive for Bartonella. I am curious how you are doing now? Have you seen improvements and if so could you tell me what treatment worked for you? Wishing you well!
You guy can find out exactly what you have. New test called DNA connexions. Google it.
Has this question been answered?
Yes!!! It is one of the most telling symptoms of Bartonella! Trust your LLMD, do what he recommends.
You went to a specialist, he knows more than most.
Ive spoken with many people, and the ones who second guess their treatment and are not compliant with the protocol given by a Lyme doc, don’t get the full result. Just sayin….go to the best doc you can find, and do the best you can to follow the protocol. Bartonella is nasty, but treatment works pretty well.
Learn the symptoms of all the co-infections. Best wishes for a great recovery!
I was just diagnosed with bartonella and my doctor put me on the bart protocol. I notice that Sida Acuta should not be taken in case of hyper tension. I take meds for my BP. Would you recommend I pass on this herb or not? Thank for you help
I believe the life cycle is 6weeks. So I would take herbs for at least that time period.
Did you ever get rid of the feet pain?
I’ve been treating Lyme &Co for almost 2 years… Bart symptoms keep hanging around, hard to walk on my feet, bone pain, neck and shoulders pain as well and hands numbness at night. Started Buhners protocol( not all of the herbs, added JK, Sida Acuta, Houttunya…. about 2 months ago.) the pain still persist… Just wondering how are you doing.
Thank you
I have been on the RNA Results protocol (silver, zeolite, glutathione, cellular nuero) for 2 months. Can I continue taking this even after I begin the Buhner Protocol LB tonic capsules?
Cipro is a very dangerous antibiotic that I would recommend doing research on before putting in your body. It is classified by the FDA as a black label drug.
Agreed! I had a horrendous reaction after four doses taken as directed and am lucky I made it out without my tendons tearing. It’s a very scary drug, and I warn everyone against it. Know someone whose tendons tore from it.
I went for treatments at a podiatrist. Ultrasound and tens unit working well. He gave me a topical antiinflammatory drug called Voltaren. Going for an MRI to rule out Neuroma. The laser he tried made it worse as he said I have scar tissue. Ice seems to help too.
Hi Robert, I suffer from these same symptoms, plus lots of spasticity and cramps in my legs at night. I know this is from 2016, but just wondering if you had any success with Buhner’s herbs. I am trying JK right now.